• Are you asking how many per ejaculation? The "minimum" for purposes of fertility testing is over 20 million per millilter. "Normal" sperm counts are in the range of 60-80 million per milliliter. The average ejaculate is approximately 2 millileters, so "at one time," an average man has 120-160 million sperm. (The range of "normal volume" for ejaculation is 1.5 ml to 5.0 ml, so the range could be anywhere from 90 million to 400 million.) [There are studies out there that suggest sperm counts are dropping in recent times, but those are countered by others that say sperm counts are remaining steady..... the sperm debate continues.] If you're asking how many are in a man's body at various stages of production/storage, etc., then the answer would be a much higher number, but how do you measure what's inside easily? It's measured as it... umm... comes out.

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