He's either gay or somebody really doesn't love him. :)
I'm guessing he got it very cheaply
he really needs to get home!
It means thats what kind of car he could get his hands on at the time, he doesn't care about what people think of him, and/or he has a lot of confidence.
He's probably driving a company car... like for a delivery service or something. Plus, he must be a pretty cool guy. Takes confidence, balls, and strong self-image/esteem in order to drive a pink car... I know a lot of women that wouldn't even drive a pink car!
It means that he owns a small pink car. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
It means he's gonna get a black eye.
It dosen't necessarily mean anything, but I can't say I would want to be that guy driving the pink car around. He either dosen't care less or maybe he has to for his job... who knows. You can't judge them by that.
It means he has an aggression problem (and is probably on roids) and is inviting people to make fun of him so he has an excuse to beat their ass.
It means he has an eight pound d*ck for which he needs specially designed pants to help conceal. He doesn't care one little bit about what you think about his car, because he's on his way home where his girlfriends are fighting over who gets to sleep with him tonight.
Maybe they didn't have it in blue.
He loves attention
Some guys just like pink and small cars. It seems unusually secure for him to actually drive one, but I wouldn't read anything in particular into it.
All it means is that he has a pink car . It's just a color. What if he was driving a custom Pink Bugatti Veyron ? The fastest production car ever built !! And 1.6 million dollars worth !! Would that still be viewed as gay or weird? It's all in what you like.
My red mustang faded to "pink" in the strong sunlight. That means I didn't wax it or cover it properly.
He got the raw deal in the divorce settlement.
Oh no! Not a small pink car! Obviously, this is his subconscious (or conscious) flagrant homosexuality seeking to express itself to the world! The fact that the car is small is the dainty, effeminate inner self saying to the world, “I AM PRETTY!” The pink color obviously is more of the same. The only hope you have is that this car, in fact, came into his possession by random chance. If that’s the case, you still have time to rescue him before the pink and small vibes invade the very core of his being and permanently make him a woman. In all seriousness, it means he drives a small, pink car.
He's a poser.
I'm coming out and tis fabulous!
His destination is too far to walk.
Was that you who saw me driving by?
hes got a small pink wiener
DID you know that they paint vehicles pink for desert warfare? It actually blends in!!! there is one vehicle called the pinkie, and it has a heavy machine gun attatched to it. So this guy should be happy if he ever takes it to a desert!
It either means that's the car he could afford, or that's the one he liked.
Given that men who drive big, flash cars are supposed be compensating for their lack of size in another department, perhaps a small pink car means he is very comfortable with the size of his manhood.
That he's got a car that's easier to find in a parking lot.
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