• First Degree Assault is worse than Fourth Degree Assault. 4th Degree Assault – Assault in the 4th Degree is a gross misdemeanor and is defined as an assault under circumstances not amounting to assault in the first, second, or third degree, or custodial assault. Assault in the 4th Degree is sometimes referred to as “simple assault.” A person can (and often is) charged with assault 4th degree even if the alleged “assault” is very minor and there are no marks or injuries. 3rd Degree Assault – Assault in the 3rd Degree is a Class C Felony. For purposes of a Washington DV charge, Assault in the 3rd Degree is typically defined as causing, with criminal negligence, bodily harm to another person by means of a weapon or other instrument or thing likely to produce bodily harm; or, causing, with criminal negligence, bodily harm accompanied by substantial pain that extends for a period sufficient to cause considerable suffering. 2nd Degree Assault – Assault in the 2nd Degree is a Class B Felony (unless with a sexual motivation – then Class A). Assault in the 2nd Degree is defined as: an intentional assault of another that recklessly inflicts substantial bodily harm; or, intentionally causing substantial bodily harm to an unborn child by intentionally and unlawfully inflicting any injury upon the mother; or, assault with a deadly weapon; or, with intent to inflict bodily harm causing someone to take poison; or, assaulting another with intent to commit a felony; or, knowingly inflicting bodily harm which by design causes such pain or agony as to be the equivalent of that produced by torture. 1st Degree Assault – Assault in the 1st Degree is a Class A Felony and is defined as, with intent to inflict great bodily harm; assaults another with a firearm or any deadly weapon or by any force or means likely to produce great bodily harm or death; or administers, exposes, or transmits to or causes to be taken by another, poison, the human immunodeficiency virus, or any other destructive or noxious substance; or assaults another and inflicts great bodily harm.
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  • 508.030 Assault in the fourth degree. (1) A person is guilty of assault in the fourth degree when: (a) He intentionally or wantonly causes physical injury to another person; or (b) With recklessness he causes physical injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon or a dangerous instrument. (2) Assault in the fourth degree is a Class A misdemeanor *This can also be applied to domestic violence so one can be arrested for it, even if it did not occur in a police officer's presence (in DV cases). A Class A misdemeanor is punishable with up to 12 months in county jail. 508.010 Assault in the first degree. (1) A person is guilty of assault in the first degree when: (a) He intentionally causes serious physical injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon or a dangerous instrument; or (b) Under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life he wantonly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to another and thereby causes serious physical injury to another person. (2) Assault in the first degree is a Class B felony. *This too can be applied to domestic violence depending on the circumstances, as can 2nd Degree. Assault 3rd Degree theoretically cannot, because that is an assault on a peace officer, state worker, EMS worker, court worker, or school worker while in the performance of their duties. A Class B felony is punishable with from 10-15 years in prison. The short answer is that Assault 1st is much worse than Assault 4th.

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