Unfortunately, due to the fact that currently nobody knows, it is given that any answer to this question an indeterminate personal opinion. Well. Heres my opinion. Religion, philosophy, science... it doesn't really matter what perspective you want to take on this. The universe, while possibly existing for an indefinate amount of purposes or sub purposes will only end in its own complete self destruction. So, even if in some temporal/spatial realm of the universe, there appears to be a meaning or purpose, it is irrelevant. The end of the universe nullifies any purpose or meanings that may have been present, so, the only real reason for it to be here is to end. If this is wrong however, then the only other answer is that it is here to simply exist, within itself, until ending. All other purposes are merely swirling patterns within swirling patterns existing in a period of time/space. Also, it is not even entirely certain that the universe exists at all. It is just an assumption that we make within our awareness and perception.
Your question could mean 1) "list means and ends for which the universe is not designed or intended (purpose=>function))," or it could be interpreted to mean 2) "in pursuit of which objectives (for what purposes) can we assume the universe does not exist." 1 ) If the universe has one or more objective purpose(s) (design objectives), then it does not exist "for" any other purposes. The pure atheist, seeing no external authority, should recognize no objective purpose, so the answer would be "for all purposes," meaning the universe was not designed for a purpose, it just happened. Various religious and theological positions would cite different purposes. 2) The only circumstances wherein we can assume the universe does not exist are thought experiments and abstract philosophical exercises. If you had something else in mind when you framed the question, it is not apparent from your words.
The universe exists for itself, without cause or purpose. Nothing existed before it that could have been its cause. Nothing exists outside it that could be the source of its purpose. There is no purpose to not exist for. As far as humanity’s concerned our purpose is only to be. With that in mind the archer always directs the arrow.
Who are you asking? It is your universe. It does not exist for any of us. You and it are all alone and we are merely delusions inside of your understanding of your universe. That being as good a explaination as any: what can't you get me to do? And why might that be?
To make us happy.
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