• Its because humans have other choices, such as vegetables, grains, fruit, etc., but animals just have other animals to eat. They dont have so many choices.
  • This wording in this question seems a bit strange to me. Consider that vegan or not, many things that animals do would be considered immoral by humans - A male cat who jumps a female cat in order to mate is not considered a rapist, a hedgehog wondering through your garden is not trespassing- we don't condemn the habit a preying mantis has of killing her mate and eating him. The point is that as humans we have moral values (whatever they might be) whereas animals do not. In no other area is it considered adequate justification for doing something simply because other animals do it. In fact "like an animal" is often viewed as an insult, if anything. However, as a vegetarian who also knows many vegans, I'll try and provide some of the reasoning I assume you're looking for. .A major factor is the way that meat is produced in the modern age. Whereas an animal in the wild will hunt, kill and eat the amount of meat it needs to stay alive, based on what is readily available; modern production of meat for human consumption involves farming, milking and slaughtering processes which are often cruel, unnatural and have a detrimental effect on the environment (vast expanses of rainforest cleared for the farming of cattle for example) - animals are often fed foods unnatural for them (for example, herbivorous cows being fed on sheep carcasses) in order to save money, or injected with chemicals to ensure maximum growth or yield, which are in turn released into the wider environment, as well as our own food chain. As humans in the west we often farm far more animals for meat and dairy produce than is actually necessary for a healthy diet- whereas animals kill to satisfy hunger, humans kill and farm to satisfy their tastebuds. With so many alternatives now available both nutritionally and tastewise, many vegetarians and vegans feel that the meat and dairy industry is now an unecessary and irresponsible cruelty. Human reasoning ability and scientific study- something which animals do not have- has also allowed us to discover nutritional alternatives to meat and dairy, such as soya. A tiger in the jungle doesn't have the option of tucking into a nice veggie burger the same way we do! (nor is his digestive system adapted to an herbivorous diet) Many vegetarians and vegans also feel that the 20th Century has left us somewhat alienated from our food- whilst we are happy to eat meat or drink milk, we must absolve ourselves of elements of guilt and disgust by insisting that someone else do "the dirty work" of slaughter, far out of our sight, whereas in former times the majority of meat eaten would have been farmed within ones own town or village, if not by you yourself. To many, it is contradictory to feel disgusted at the idea of slaughter, yet be willing to enjoy the finished result. It could be argued that an animal is at least willing to tear its prey apart itself. Disclaimer: before anybody tells me I'm wrong can I please make sure you all read the question properly. Why do some vegans THINK!! (I've had bad experiences of this lkind of thing before!)
  • Its believed in some religions like some Hindu sub religions that you should not harm another living species. However even plants are living before we cut them and milk is a product from animals so i do not think we are vegans. we are just part of Nature's foodchain.
  • Humans have the gift of knowlege, and choice. We have the option of a healthy life without utilising the death of animals, whereas animals do not. When given the option of 2 choices i don't understand why you would choose the one that entails torture and death on animals for your own sake when you could live quite healthier without causing that kind of horror.
  • Pretty much every vegan would consider it immoral for very obvious reasons. As others have stated, we have more intelligence than animals. It is just an extension, or utilization of this intelligence in becoming vegan. Think of it as cave men grunting to each-other to communicate as they ate flesh. Now jump forward to spoken language, and eating at a table with a knife and fork. Now jump forward to taking a class in college, and learning how what we do (and eat)effects the world. Utilize our modern day intelligence to develop a higher level of ethics. One not totally centered around the "meat good, me hungry, me no care" mentality. It is all part of evolving towards the next level for the good of everyone! Not intending to say something as inflammatory as it sounds, but I'm sure you have heard the saying: Don't treat me like an animal. Then don't act like one. Take it literally for a few seconds. It was in all probability said by an omnivore, not a vegan. I hope you show appreciation towards any vegans you meet for making the world a better place for you, and even more so for your kids!
  • Humans are the only animals that has evolved to the point that can perceive the higher level of consciouness of understanding that it is wrong to rob and bully the weak; yet we round them up everyday like helpess refugees in concentration camps and mass murder them behind closed doors. We call it slaughter and not murder to give us the pseudo-moral excuse to continue to eat their carcases. We even went to the extend of associating this form of perversion with religion. This is how desperate evil men attempted to ensure the mass murder will continue and hence the blind devouring of these poor innocent souls continue on from generations to generations without end. We must realise and accept the fact, however, that as an animal species on this planet, we have evolved to understand the laws of higher consciousness that is on the evolutionary path of moving us beyond the realm of the animal kingdom. We therefore has the ability to grasp the higher understanding that forcing another living, breathing being to die before its natural time is wrong. We should not allow ourselves to fall back into the limited logic of the lower forms of animals. We have evoled beyond that and we should let evolution continue to take us further by not always comparing ourselves with the low carnivores here and carnivores there; which I have found a surprising number of meat-eaters tends to say. By comparing humans with the lower animals, such behaviour is interfering with the natural evolution towards a higher conscious mind which values harmlessness toward other beings.
  • I have no idea. Humans are naturally omnivores and, believe it or not, animals, just like lions and monkeys and dolphins. I wonder, do Vegans feel the same way about a single man living in the woods and hunting for his food that they do about the majority of people in developed nations who eat meat which comes from slaughterhouses?
  • Actually ALL Vegans think that way. Otherwise they wouldn't be Vegan.
  • Vegans are right that it is immoral to eat meat. How can it be moral to eat a little baby animal? Or an old adult animals that has grown from the baby. Everyone is a baby when they are young and you should not eat them. But the do not see the whole picture. If you are a strict vegetarian that means that you eat the vegetables which kills the vegetable because the plant is now dead. They say meat eaters are immoral and this is right but they do not see how immoral they are too. The only moral thing to eat is fruit that has fallen from the tree on its own. You must nnot pick the fruit from the trees. And even then if you pick it up off of the ground you are robbing the bacteria in the soil of their nutition so you should not do that either. Fruitarians are the only moral people but even they kill bacteria so they too have sinned. Some people eat eggs but that is the equivalent of abortion, you are preventing the egg from growing into a chicken! You are destroying a life! It has thoughts and feelings and now it will never grow up to be a chicken or duck. You should NEVER eat dairy because milk is rape! See Humnan beings must be as moral as we can because God created us and God knows plants can live off of sunshine alone and that is the only thing we must live off of if we can and also we need water. We must become as moral as the plants and anyone who eats meat or eats eggs or eats milk or eats vegetables that are not fruit is immoral and is against God! Please see because only we are the moral ones but we need to eat less because they also you kill the fruit.

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