• Thick saliva or mucous is semi-opaque in color and is acidic as opposed to being watery, clear and neutral. It can be caused by a number of factors. Thick saliva can cause difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).


    Medication can cause thick saliva, according to Dr. Joel E. Gallant of Johns Hopkins. Antidepressants are especially known to cause dry mouth and result in thick saliva.

    Conditions and Diseases

    Thick saliva can be caused by dehydration, post nasal drip, allergies, sinusitis, upper respiratory infections, diabetes, hypoglycemia and radiation therapy.


    Food that will exacerbate thick saliva and dry mouth include cookies, cake, pie, vegetables, dried fruit, bananas, pasta, rice, chips, cereal, pretzels, rolls, dry breads and meat, poultry and fish that are served without sauces.


    Chemotherapy can cause thick saliva and dry mouth because the salivary glands become irritated from the treatment and produce less saliva. What is produced may be sticky and thick.


    When experiencing thick saliva, eat soft, moist foods and avoid or limit eating touch meats, thick syrups, dry and hard foods and peanut butter. Keep hydrated, which thins saliva. Eat warm liquids, such as soups, and drink carbonated or tart beverages and foods, which may thin secretions.


    Johns Hopkins: Thick Saliva Dry Mouth or Thick Saliva Salivary Calculus

    More Information: Thick Saliva

  • Not drinking enough water, among other things.

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