Those people aren't just anonymous.
Hell yeah! My 'Jesus' answer prove it! :P
He would tell you to turn the other cheek. Turn the display of ratings off if downrates bother you.
I try not to be humorless. Forgive me, Jesus.
He'd teach you how to deal with it.
Something tells me, he probably wouldn't give a damn about something as frivolous as AB or the points on it.
Would anyone be anonymous to Him?
it does not appear he gives much of a darn about anything, nor does his "dad".
Me and my Mom always said that Jesus has to have a sense of humor, especially if God made us to have one..LOL
I would hope that Jesus had better things to do than to condemn people on AB for masturbating with the points system. Thou shalt not downrate lest ye be dowrated thyself lulz. So he prolly would, only because it's not that important.
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