• Neither, I'm not American ;-)
  • Neither and I am an American.
  • I'm a believer
  • Neither. Not everything's black and white.
  • There are two types of people in this world: those who divide everyone into two groups, and those that don't. I am the latter.
  • actually im not american either im Greek but sometimes in some topics i agree with obama other times i dont is just what the person thinks about what hes least thats what i do...i dont listen TO HIM i listen TO THE THINGS THAT I WANT TO LISTEN FROM HIM
  • Obama means well but he is acting like a ten year old with his dad's credit card... The sad thing is, we will all have to pay the bill and it makes no difference what you and I believe as it is all just a matter of simple arithmetic. The only real money any level of government has is money taken away from people that have worked and earned it.
  • Seems there are about 1,000+ kinds of Americans. I certainly don't fit into either the two you described.
  • In the camp of don't believe a word of his. But fear not Obamanites, I don't believe a word of the Republicans mouths either. Now I can get downgraded by both Democrats and Republicans LOL..
  • I don't believe a word that he says.
  • Kind of in the middle I guess. Sometimes I agree with him and sometimes I don't.
  • I believe obama says what he needs to get what he wants. just like every other politician
  • I'm the one that tells you you're wrong and that it doesn't seem that way lol.
  • Isn't it the exact same story with every president? if you split the country up into two political groups, but only elect one president, how could everyone EVER be happy (unless the elected president is perhaps scizophrenic)? if you ask me everyone should quit nagging and 'make a change' XD
  • I am the kind that believes very little of what any Politician from either party says. I am an Independent and I am tired of the Right and Left wing extremes. I believe in a moderate common sense approach. I'd like to have a President and Congress that worked to improve the quality of working Middle Class America; and not the lobbyist. Obama broke his most important promise which was to renegotiate NAFTA. I do not see how the American economy can recover if we continue to important more than we export. The President of the United States should put Americans first. He seems more interested in impressing the whole world.
  • What someone says is not nearly as important as what they do. He is a disaster for this country because every decision he and his administration make seems to get worse as time goes on. The latest decision regarding the trial of terrorists in U.S. courts is so bad that it is incredible. I am talking about even little things..such as how to greet foreign rulers in a dignified manner befitting his position. Good grief you can look that shit up on a flight over on your computer. I had my fingers crossed regarding his presidency but he has passed Carter already in miserable performance..I wish I could feel otherwise..I live here too you know.
  • I don't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth.
  • I'm one of the ones that you missed. . Thank you for using the word "seems." . The problem that us moderates have is that we don't "believe" what we hear, we consider it before calling it on the "believe" front. . In general, I agree much more often with Democrats than Republicans so I consider myself a Democrat. But I can't think of a single Democrat with whom I agree on everything (and that includes my own mother). I also cannot think of a single Republican with whom I disagree on everything (and trust me, I have tried and tried). If you haven't noticed me and people like me it is that we generally don't call other people's motives into question, even when we disagree with them, and we rarely scream. Unlike the extremes on both ends. It's not that they're all that is -- it's just that they make better television.
  • Seems is your key word here. I think it's arbitrary to conclude that Americans are so either/or thinking. I will state that I agree with much of Obama's ideas, but not all, and I know that there's really no way that everything he wants to have happen for this country will, because, being President, he does not have complete power.
  • Neither. Anybody who believes *everything* of what someone says no matter who that person is, is a complete moron. Think for yourself.
  • I am one of the ones who believes nothing he says. I think he is a fake and a communist.
  • Fourth kind. I don't believe either party. Nor do I believe that "alternative" parties are an answer either. Same smoke, different butts.
  • I'm the type that had high hopes going in..have seen some of them dashed to smithereens...but am waiting to make a final judgment because the fat lady hasn't sung yet. :(
  • I am in the middle of the road. I listen to what he says. If I find its a good idea and could be helpful then I will believe it, but if its not well I don't.
  • I don't believe everything that he says, he said/say a lot. It is the fact that so many people fell for the promising words from yet another political candidate, voted him into office, and are now complaining over what he has not done. A little bit of research that didn't involve the media could have swayed peoples minds as to his ability to lead a country, but then we wouldn't be part of history. Forclosures are still up, unemployment is even higher than before the stimulus, obamacare will reduce the coverage for seniors<AGAIN>, cut down the number of vital tests and medical needs, tax those who cannot afford to buy in, tax small business owners into bankruptcy and the list goes on. Did not believe or trust him then, really don't believe or trust him now. +5
  • The smart Americans would be somewhere in the middle.
  • I hesitate to believe any politician, especially when they say "promise".
  • He broke his word more times than Bush and these people love him..
  • I do see that sort of divide in many arenas here in the US. I don't fall into either camp, especially in politics. If the subject is important to me, I'll do my own research because the truth usually lies between two politicians.
  • I don't believe anything any politician says until they actually do and accomplish what they said they would do. As an employee of a company I get paid to produce, generate wealth, solve problems and show results....Most of us are required to do that when we clock in on the job.......yet politics seems to be the only job where you can make promises and plans and never follow through with them, never meet any expectations and still stay employed! If they ran politics like business...well some might only make it a few months into their terms. If
  • I don't care what Obama says. I want to see him do something, though.
  • Obama is a liar
  • I think there are pundits on both sides who would like us to believe that there are just those two types of Americans because the politics of division is a powerful tool. I think it's also pretty damned insulting to intelligent people. In truth I think there are many more Americans who like some of what Obama has done and disagree with other things he has done but you know, that doesn't play well with the pundits seeking ratings.
  • I don't believe much of what he says because I haven't seen him do a whole lot, other than flash a smile and talk about what he is going to do. He is an awesome Public Relations person, but I can't give him the same credit for being a President.
  • I don't believe him and can't even stand to hear his voice.
  • Not sure ... I don't believe anything any politicians say.
  • I trust him about as much as I trust ANYONE involved in partisan politics.
  • I am neither, I judge based on performance.
  • Neither, I believe a lot of what Obama says and it's scary that he thinks that way. I also know a lot of what he says to be untrue. Polls say I am in the majority in America. The man has almost NO chance of being re-elected. We just have to survive. The 2010 elections should help a lot towards blocking his socialist, anti-American agenda.
  • I am a person who has waited for anything besides the crap we have had in office for years. Obama is paving the way to a new direction. He is hardly perfect, but he is so much better than what we had before that I am going to at least wait until his term is half over before I make silly remarks.
  • I am middle class caucasian. I am happy for the fact that the US has graduated beyond the past 300 years and elected a black president, and by a landslide. I voted for him and am active in voicing my opinion to the politions in office. I am disappointed by some things that haven't changed but pleased with the efforts he has made. He's one man. have hope for a better future. For 8 years I thought we were done for.
  • I am the 2nd kind. LOL 5+
  • I generally am the kind that doesn't believe anything he says. (And I'm not entirely convinced Obama believes all of it) However, lately I don't believe anything that is coming out of any politicians mouth, regardless of party affiliation.

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