of course
True, have patience then laugh your butt off. :-)
I agree with that, you only have to look at what happened to Adolf Hitler, one mistake after another.
... sounds reasonable to me ...
"Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer " Thought it went with that. :-)
Why would you interrupt ur enemy?.....After all you want them to fail.
Brilliant, and it's a workable strategy in the Board room as well as the battlefield.
Excellent advice .. give them enough rope and they'll hang themselves! Love it.
Excellent advice. Similar to Machiavelli's thought. +3
Very wise. Let them finish the mistake and then take advantage of it. If you interrupt they might realize it and repair the damage.
yes,i agree.
Can't disagree with that.
Nothing's better than your enemy digging himself/herself a "hole" of the largest magnitude thus making "victory" all the more sweet!
It works for me!
I hadn't heard this. Thanks, I've written it down. . So, that's one for "Yes"...
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