Ask for an STD free cake.
Run and hide!
get the cake tested for STD's!!!!
Tell them to make me a new one. I don't want to get sick.
Put the lid back on.
pay her an extra hundy to poop on my cake
Throw my presents at her.
Ask for a "Piece"
I'd offer her a beer & then continue to party w/ my guests.
Ask her to pay for ruining a perfectly nice cake. I hear she has a few coins to rub together....;-D...
I'd pop her back into it.
i surely wouldn't waste a moment on conversation with her. i believe that she's pretty but shallow. when pretty goes, all she'll be left with is a few hundred million dollars. baaaahh!!! chocolate cake with chocolate icing (and vanilla ice cream) will really make me smile! the body would be attractive for a couple (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years). the money will last forever.
Tell that bitch to take me is MY birthday after all. :0P
Rape her.
wouldn't you like to know
I'd shove her back into the cake, take the cake to the zoo, and drop it in the gorilla den. :)
Pretend I had an appointment to go to and leave.
Tell her she needs to eat the cake.
Send it back.
Phone the caterer and complain that I ordered cake, not a tart.
Wondrer how in the world she got into such a small space.
.... I wouldn't eat the cake...........
hurl, wether I hurl the cake I already ate or hurl her out the door... I'd be throwing something
Take her snipe huntin and show her to the nice puppies we have in our woods....
Throw it away....along with paris.
Kick her ass for "messing up" my cake, damnit!
Hit her with a chair, she irritates me
aim very carefully
+5 vomit
..probably punch her for ruining my cake..and my birthday..then i would throw her out of my apartment..she's not welcome
i'de be pretty happy. IDC if it's someone nobody likes, at least she's famous and in my cake.
Most likely not recognize the prize inside. And be doubly surprised because I usually don't do the birthday cake thing.
ask for a refund
I'd say what the blank are you doing here? +5
I'm honestly not sure what Paris Hilton looks like - but if she said her name or wore a name tag I'd say something like this.." Hi Paris - glad to meet you - here- let me help you out of that phony cake". If she hugged me I'd hug her back - and I'd offer to go get her a drink....other than that I most likely wouldn't pay that much attention to her unless she was talking to me. I've met a few "famous" people over the years - and I'm of the opinion that they prefer to be treated like normal folks most of the time.
I'd yell SURPRISE!!!!!!!!LOL
I'd say, "Mom! What are you doing here?"
I'd shove her stupid ass back in and throw the cake out.
I would wonder how she survived the bakery ovens.
Complain that the cake isn’t all real. Then ask if she has time for me to pitch some business ideas to her. Behind the “stupid/slutty” stuff , there appears to be a real mind.
knock her out and take her dog ;-)
Be bummed that SOMEBODY spent that much time and money to arrange such a thing.
Vomit all over her.
Wouldn't eat the cake =/ u never know where she was before or wut she touched haha :P
paris hilton
shoot myself
I would put it back in the oven with her still in it!
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