• I am not a wiccan but I don't think it's like being Catholic. You don't have to subscribe to a set down on paper belief system or canon like a Catholic does.
  • I don't call myself any one religion because i believe in a lot of things. But no, just because you believe in reincarnation doesnt mean your not wiccan. You can believe in what you want and call yourself whatever you want. It's your life and your decisions.
  • Well it would depend on what form of reincarnation in which you believe. Wicca is a nature religion and nature generally recycles itself, so the type of reincarnation which holds that humans can end up in, for example, newborn baby bunnies, would be entirely consistent with Wicca. You might have a little more trouble getting conventional "from humans into humans" reincarnation to fit into a Wiccan religious viewpoint. EDIT: Wiccans who choose the Native American, Inuit, or the ancient Norse pantheon (Asatru) for their rituals are drawing on traditions which believed in "human soul will be reborn in human body" reincarnation. See the "Poetic Edda" for an Asatru example of reincarnation. Traditional Wicca involves a God who dies in the Fall and is reborn in the Spring, and in other stories Mother Earth dies during the Winter and is reborn in the Spring, so there is some precedent for reincarnation in Wicca.
  • OKAY not to be crud but DAH, a WICCAN ONLY belives in Reincarnation, and how did you come to call yourself a Wiccan?
  • No. Many Wiccans believe in reincarnation.
  • It seems to me that Wiccans can believe pretty much what they choose to believe, provided that it causes no harm.

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