hell no
No, it's been around for thousands of years. Good art is good art, no matter what the subject.
no as it is art ,and beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
No, I am offended by people who are offended by it.
No, but I much prefer it live with the right person. +5
It depends on what they are doing in the picture. Not the nudity. If someone is sticking it up someone's butt or taking a dump, I don't want to buy that one.
No, not at all. In fact, I kind of find it refreshing.
Of course not. It's great. . A few uncommon examples (Luis Royo):
No,Michaelangelo's statue of David was nude.Many painters from centuries ago painted nudes in all sorts of settings.Why should the human body in the natural state be offending?
As an artist who paints nude art, I am offended by the use of the word 'ART' to porn, disgusting acts, perversion subjects, and anything that lowers the quality of aesthetics and art. If it is not art, call it what it is. +5
No the human body is a beautiful work of art!
in art? not at all
Nope not offended by nudity of any kind.
Noway i love it! :D
Not at all!
I think a beautiful body is the best form of art...
No, the human form is a thing of great beauty. +4 Kool
Not at all.
No. Absolutely not. However, I am offended by nudity in pornography.
Depends on the displayed "art" and the intent of the "artist".
Well, if the "art" in question is a photo of a grossly overweight woman in spandex, I suppose so! ;-)
No i do not. +5
Nope. That is foolish for anyone to find that offensive in any manner.
no, the human body is a wonderful piece of machinery and to see its natural lines in their true form is unbeleivable.
No. Being naked is fun, as is its inspired representation. I mean, all of us were born with a snatch or a shlong, I don't see why it's wrong.
i dont hate but i dont love it.
No I'm not, as long as it's tasteful and not something resembling a porn movie, I'm fine with it.
nudity in art is worng thing.
No, but I do think there are proper places for it to be.
Of course not
Nudity is about the highest part of drawing the body. Do you know how much work it takes to learn how to draw every bit of the body----bones, muscles, fingers, toes, feet, arms, legs, shoulders, neck, head, knees, and then the movement of each part? How can I be offended? I'll be so happy when I can get to the point where I can draw the entire body. It will be like climbing Mt. Everett. I have my work cut out for me!
I'm offended by nudity in the buffet lines only.
No, it,come,s in all form,s of life. the way you feel it is presented
no aslong as it dosent involve children
Nope, but then I'm also not offended by nudity in porn, or nudity at a nude beach, or nudity in general.
No. Nudity is natural and therefore not offensive.
Who is doing the nudity, Leonardo Da Vinci or Larry Flynt?π
No, its beautiful! But in real life I prefer it be private.
No because art is the freedom to express oneself in many ways whether itβs sexual or emotional
Depends. Sometimes the nudity is there to make the shitty art more bearable.
That depends on the type of "art" and the (apparent) intent...and on the "beauty" of the model as well. In general: no.
No but I am offended by nudity in artπ
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