• An example would be a problem in this society. You don't like what society is doing, but you cooperate anyway (reason being fear or hopelessness, etc.). Of course, by not standing up to this problem, and going along with it, you are just making it worse--like a crocodiles appetite will never go away. You are almost postponing the problem, and actually making the problem stronger because the "crocodile" will only get bigger as time goes by. In other words, the longer you try to appease this problem, the more permanent and hindersome it will be, until it finally does away with YOU. In a way, this quote implies that you have to fight the crododile first thing, instead of feeding it.
  • In addition to what PenetratingThursday said: Winston Churchill made this remark in the wake of Britain's dealings with Nazi Germany during the late 1930's, if it wasn't directly associated with the Munich conference (the one where Hitler got the Sudetenland of what was then Czechoslovakia by treaty instead of having to go to war with Britain and France. Hitler's next stops after the Sudetenland were the rest of Czechoslovakia first, followed by Poland. As for how that maxim works: an example from the last ten years would be Britain's willingness to join George W. Bush's "coalition of the willing" when it invaded Iraq--at the sacrifice of its principle not to initiate a war of aggression.

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