• I know loads of people who say Melk - it is the dutch word for milk - there is a whole country who say that.
  • It only bother's me if it's my children pronouncing words incorrectly.
  • Sorry, this was supposed to be a comment: Okay, well, I'm Dutch. She isn't. So *I* should have more right to say it like that, eh?
  • (My niece says "melk.") Nu-cu-ler for nuclear. I don't like "whilst" instead of "while" - not in the U.S., anyway. I knew a guy once who pronounced REVel as reVEL. Sounded really peculiar. Actually misspellings of common words trouble me more than mispronunciations. I thought of two more. A librarian I used to know said "bwuk" instead of "book." A neighbor had a daughter named Kathleen and ALWAYS said Kath-uh-leen. There's an unstressed syllable in math e matics, and an unstressed syllable in Cath o lic - but there's NO unstressed syllable in the middle of Kathleen.
  • heres a really good one people mispronounce quite a lot Spayed as in spayed your animal, a lot of people pronounce this as Spade as in a shovel.
  • WARSH!(wash) aug..disturbing.THERE IS NO "R"!!!!!;)
  • A friend pronounces 'bagel' with a 'short a' that rhymes with 'rag' --- I laugh & laugh! :D
  • It may be a regional thing. I once met a woman who tried to rid herself of her down home accent, and even went to paid speech lessons as an adult to try to do so. Her most difficult word was "time". No matter what sh did it came out "tiahme", a mixture of soft a and hard i sound. I found it curious and not annoying. If you ever have to learn a foreign language where the vowel sounds are different then it would be better understood.
  • idea - idear wash - warsh specifically - pacifically children - chidren
  • My home state is Illinois. People do not seem to know that the S at the end is silent. Its pronounced "Ill-ah-noy" not "Ell-ah-noiz"
  • my boyfriend accused me of being nit pickey. he said "can you hand me that pin?" so im looking all over the place for a safety pin or a sewing pin...turns out he wanted a PEN. i said "well you said PIN"....he said i was just being a bitch and i knew exactly what he wanted. ugh. this happened so long ago and it still pisses me off!
  • Creek... some ppl say "crick" it sounds hickish.. lol
  • My friend pronounces "rancid! as ranKid. Oh I HATE it!! I also hate it when people pronounce "thing" as think, or over pronounce the 'g' so it becomes "thinger".
  • Well this doesnt really bother me...I think it's cute...but my friend from New York says CAPies instead of COPies lol
  • wersh instead of wash crick instead of creek the in' at the end of words is starting to bother me a bit
  • Chimbully for chimney. +3
  • when i was in vegas a month ago i noticed people said "dag" instead of "dog". bugged me. and in some places they call carbonated beverages ("pop") coke, so i asked for a coke and they looked at me like i was retarded.
  • Maybe I'm the culprit with this one: I pronounce the word 'family' in 3 syllables, instead of 2, with a 'short a' & a 'short i': fam - i - ly Does that irritate anyone out there? ...
  • It doesn't really bother me, but my mum says en-suite with the en pronounced the same as in then. I hate when people say axe instead of ask.
  • when people say ' probably ' like - '' prob er ly ''
  • MAC Donald's (McDonald's) buh-sketti (spaghetti) piller (pillow) yeller (yellow) Feller (fellow) wale (well) corder (quarter) warsh (wash) arn (iron) screet (street) ax (ask) pine scraw (pine straw) spayed (spay) pacific (specific) liberry (library) +5
  • my media studies teacher says "fil-em" instead of just film. As you can guess....we talk about filems quite a bit so it drives us bonkers!
  • Nooculler instead of noo clee er (nuclear) Also it used to be aluminum instead of aluminium until I realised you spell it that way in US.
  • What about when people pronounce the middle day of the week almost as its written, adding a syllable to how we'd normally say it? (-minus the 2nd 'short e')   Pronounced: "Wed - ns - day"
  • Well it doesn't drive me nuts but a very common one is the word "forte" as in a persons strong suit or talent. Darn near everyone says the "e" which is a proper word, but a musical term which means to play loudly. To pronouce correctly think of the words torte or cache that also have a silent "e", say fort as in a army post. It has become so common many dictionaries now list the improper one as a second option. +5
  • My english teatcher sux at english. Even im better than her. Instead og saying of she says ov. It really iritates me. I have told her about it and she said i crossed the line and i got detention for correcting my teacher lol.
  • Since learning a foreign language, these kind of things don't bother me. If I can understand what they mean, their pronunciation is good enough. I know what it's like to be on the other side, and I hope people are cool with my pronunciation, so I offer them the same leeway with theirs. I mean, who wants to end up like the French, being all stuck up and bitter about proper pronunciation.
  • The silent "H" with people who have a carribean accent. Examples: thing = ting three = tree thirty = tirty through/threw = trough/trew I hear this everyday from my parents. I like to joke with them about it. I'm hweird like that.
  • This same person pronounces "Valentine's" as "Valentime's". AUGHHHH! Makes my skin crawl.
  • a family member of mine does the melk thing, and also pellow instead of pillow, drives me bonkers.
  • warsh,prolly,schrimp will make me cringe.sometimes i intentionally mispronounce ax and fragile(i say fra-jilly)to make myself laugh a little.
  • "speeded" for sped "pleaded" for pled (which can also be spelled plead, to rhyme with bread) "preventative" instead of "preventive" "nookyular" for nuclear "noosepaper" for newspaper Calvary for cavalry "Ewston" for Houston "perculate" for percolate "syndrum" for syndrome "Farsi" for Persian . But worst of all, the one that drives me up the wall, is the people who say "begs the question" when they mean "requires or demands that we ask." Go on, ask me about "begging the question."
  • When people mispronounce nuclear I can feel the hair rising on my neck, and my sphincter starts to twitch. It just SOUNDS idiotic to me to hear someone say nook-u-lur. I always wonder to myself, is this person stupid? My ex husband would say crick instead of creek, and subpeeney instead of subpeona.
  • I am so guilty of that "melk" thing too. lol My Hubby says "sow(like cow)-ry" for celery. My Mom says "Mondee, Tuesdee and Winds-dee, etc. for the days of the week. Drives me bonkers!! +5
  • Nuclear is a big one. I can't for the life of me, understand why people say "nook-u-ler". There has to be some missing synapses or something. My ex husband also said crick instead of creek, and subpeeney instead of supeona.
  • Around here it's the word "computer" pronounced "compruter". That and when people incorrectly substitute "doesn't" with "don't"
  • ... taking the phrase, "what are you doing?" and pronouncing it as, "cha dune" ...

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