it's all falling together. 12/21 at 12:21:12 in 2012 must be it. buy me stock in 12/21 stock and sell my Y2 virus stock.
The world will end when god wants it to.Though he shall show a sign that the world will end UP IN THE CLOUDS.
Not really no. The writers of the Bible were well aware of the 20:12 date.
i had a look in the king james version, all it said was something about a books, no mention of judgement day
Lmao. Since this is 2018 one can assume this is a VERY OLD RECYCLED question and that we all survived a nonjudgement day event?
mushroomJust as we survived the Y2K nonevent. Oh, wait, I remember it now: I had to change the date on my PC on 1/1 from 1900 to 2000. Problem solved.
MircatThere were 2 death dates in 2012. We survived a both. We've survived a piece of space garbage that NASA KNEW was going to kill us but kept a secret. There will be more. The conspiracy theorists are a happy group of death date gossips.
Yes last I checked today it was 4/5/2018. I think we received an extension. LOL
Considering it is 2021, and for the 3,947272nd time the xtian biblical prediction of it's much beloved JUDGEMENT DAY has failed miserably to happen, I hereby nominate this as conclusive scientific proof that the bible in general, and the xtian religion specifically, is full of crap, and in desperate need of an enema!
thew more of the new testament I read the less respect I have for any churchie or religion. Its a crock ofshit. Designed to influence sheep. Its 2021 by the way the prediction didn't happen. But a churchie is to ignorant to overcome stupidity.
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