• i'm not sure what you're talking about. i haven't seen any theist call an athiest a communist yet. they probably don't even mean it when they do. it's most likely just a barb meant to hurt & provoke the athiest in question. could you show me a few examples? maybe i could answer better if i saw a little bit of it.
  • It's a lack of education and bigotry. Most true communists are atheists, but not the other way round.
  • Either trolls or retards. Don't mind neither.
  • I have noticed that quite a few people misuse the isms. It seems like they don't understand them so they just throw out which ever one they think sounds the scariest. If a person is going to use a word they should make sure they understand it first.
  • They failed their vocabulary tests.
  • Simple solutions for simple minds. It's easier for some to lump everyone not like them or who they perceive to be not like them, together and vilianize them than to thoughtfully examine the world around them.
  • I think it's because when people feel such hatred towards a group of people, they like to add as much as they can to their "crimes", in an attempt to validate the venom they feel. Another great example is gay bashers who proclaim that gays are pedophiles. It's patently untrue, but it's satisfying for the bashers to say this, because it makes being gay sound, "even worse".
  • I've never heard of such a confusion. Communism is about suppressing the proletariat by the rulers, in the name of non-ownership of property. Atheism is about not believing there is a God.
  • I agree with Wynper's answer. And I'll just add: It's easier to carpet-bomb a whole bunch of assorted enemies [along with any poor civilians who may be in the fray] than it is to individually challenge them. As far as megalomaniacal religious leaders are concerned, there are no grey areas; no neutral people. You're either a soldier of God, or a soldier of Satan.
  • Because some Communists were very atheist in a violent way, and people cannot get their heads around that because some A are B, it is not true that all B are A. Basically, failure of elementary logic.
  • Because some Communists were very atheist in a violent way, and people cannot get their heads around that because some A are B, it is not true that all B are A. Basically, failure of elementary logic.
  • Most of the worst Communist regimes were atheist. But that's it. Other than that coincidence, atheism and communism have nothing to do with each other. I know a few Christian communists, and I know plenty of atheist capitalists (hell, I'm an agnostic capitalist myself). I think alot of it has to do with people wanting to equate atheism with something that most people think of as evil, hence the atheism = communism sortof thing. I.e., "I don't like atheists and you shouldn't either. They are commies, then." Like another user said, it is flawed logic.
  • The Soviet Union forced atheism.
  • Soviet style communism is atheistic. China has killed many for believing in God. Communism is an atheistic ideology supporting a political system which replaces the private ownership of the means of production with government ownership (see nationalization, as in Venezuela). It is based on Karl Marx's proposed establishment of a "classless society." However, no Communist society has ever been classless; each has been dominated by a self appointed Nomenklatura. In the belief that "people cannot change", governments under the banner of communism have caused the death of somewhere between 40 million to 260 million human lives

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