• Computers
  • A legacy.
  • A lot of things, from models to small vehicles.
  • I will build a house that we can live together.
  • With grace, all things build themselves out of sheer emptiness in "partnership" with form. It is great fun to witness this as the witnessing itself is the building - is grace.
  • ive built 4 houses so far and rehabbed countless homes for others
  • we can build a relationship which will last forever.
  • A huge ego. LOL 😂
  • Confidence in others. I crochet and I can make cakes, sand castles, a moat. And I can build a mess better than anyone! I can build puzzles. Does myself count? I guess upon reflection I'm not much of a builder. Just small craft items, I guess. Oh and after seeing the first answer I've put together a few computers, too.
  • I like making stuff. For work, I build many different kinds of sensors. This often involves building a circuit to take readings from the sensor and digitize them. Sometimes it involves building an entire computer around the sensor. I also like making stuff for fun, but that stuff is typically less professional-looking. I've built my own amplifiers from scratch, I've built my own guitars (sometimes from scratch). I've built flutes and drums and other musical instruments. I've built my own video game consoles from scratch for my own amusement, and then made my own games to play on them. I've made my own lasers. I've made my own tools. I've made literally tons of crap. I've also done my own home projects like building my own shed, building my own stairs, etc. But who hasn't? If you are paying someone else to build your crap for you, then you must have been born with a rich family or something. People like me born below the poverty level in a city that could pass for a third-world country all had to learn how to get by, and that requires learning how to make durable and functional stuff out of cheap and abundant raw materials.

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