I caught a sea weed covered shoe once while I was smelled like a fish...does that count? :-)
7lb Blue Catfish
My 5 yr old daughter got some little fishie. I dont know what it was. She calls them "Robbers" b/c the whole day we were fishing, they kept eating the worm off the hook but not getting hooked themself. She would say they "robbed" us of our worm.
A red snapper...deep sea fishing in Mexico
A sucker. :)
A 8 pound catfish
I went in a fishing party boat once and caught 5 blue fish, about 2 feet long each. +5
My memory is not that good, but it had to be with my grandmother. She took me often! +5
rainbow trout - Lake Tarawera, Rotorua{sp} New Zealand.
Freshwater: Rainbow trout in New Zealand Ocean: Bluefish in the Atlantic off of NJ
Large-mouth bass.
sometime fish good caught in ocean maybe in boat. other fish pond lake even stream. catch fish sometime with tree. sorry english bad. other fish catch now bye.
A Sturgeon 4 1/2 feet long on the Columbia River
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