• Assuming that he counted ALL of the heads and legs, and there were no amputees ... 74 heads = 74 living beings If "x" = number of horses, and "y" = number of humans, then 4x + 2y = 196 (distribution of "legs") x + y = 74 (total "beings", as above) x = 74 - y 4 * ( 74 - y ) + 2y = 196 296 - 4y + 2y = 196 100 = 2y 50 = y So x = 24 horses, y = 50 humans Check: 24 horses * 4 legs/horse + 50 humans * 2 legs/human = 96 legs + 100 legs = 196 total legs, which agrees with the earlier count.
  • Both humans and horses have at least two legs so 74 x 2 = 148 ... there are 48 more legs (196 total) so there are 48 / 2 = 24 horses.
  • My math skills have decreased and I have lost the ability to solve an Y and X equation solving for both unknowns. However, If I assume all 74 are horses then we have 296 legs. That is 100 too many. So, I'll say that's the number of human legs since each has two instead of 4 (cuts down on the total legs to 196). That means 50 humans. I then have 96 legs left for the horses which means there are 24 horses (4 x 24 = 96). 24 horses with 96 legs 50 human with 100 kegs Total is 196 Weird but works because no other answer will.
  • Answer: Let's assume that HM = Human and HR = Horse HM + HR = 74 2HM + 4HR = 196 (2HM + 4HR) - (2 HM + 2HR) = 196 - 148 2HR = 48 HR = 24 HM + (24) = 74 HM = 74 - 24 HM = 50 So, the solution is 24 horses and 50 humans.
  • It's called fifth grade arithmetic. Are you really that uneducated?
  • Hi Zenrean,my answer could be the same as Cyanotic's answer +5 for you.I like it.
  • 33 horses and 37 humans????
  • If the heads refer to both human and horse than it would be easy. 74*2(legs)=148 legs. 196(legs)-148(humanlegs)=48 48/2=24. 74-24=50 humans and 24 horses. Forgive me my math, it is not logical, always got an F because the answer was right but the way I calculate is not considered the right way :P
  • There was one human, himself. There were no horses. They had all been scared away by the hideous 74-headed, 196-legged monster.

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