• this is why I am a language teacher. I just came up with 22 francs 66 centimes...but I know that is wrong...LOL
  • if i am not mistaken the answer is 29. you simply add 48 and 72 then divide by 4, then add that to 54 and divide by 3, then add that to 30 then divide by 2 to get the answer.
  • 29. I wrote out a lovely equation for it, but it can also be done step by step like andys gal did. if x = the starting amount of money 4[3(2x-30)-54]-72=48 4[3(2x-30)-54] = 120 3(2x-30)-54 = 30 3(2x-30) = 84 2x - 30 = 28 2x = 58 x = 29 Then you can check it by starting at the beginning and going through the 3 fairs... (29 * 2) - 30 = 28 (28 * 3) - 54 = 30 (30 * 4) - 72 = 48

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