I don't hear my stomach growling anymore since I ate.
very soft sounds but also sounds we hear all the time. We tend to tune out sounds that are constantly in or backgrounds
The neighbor's wind chimes. Their new dog attacked and destroyed them.
My wife. I just tune her out...
The constant roar of the turnpike because I moved.
My ex-wife whispering "go away" in the middle of the night! ;-)
I can't hear anything between 21kHz and 23kHz because of a firecracker. Also lots of metal. Also misusing q-tips for about a decade before someone showed me how to do it. Also lots of ear infections. It's a miracle I'm not deaf, frankly.
My ex-wife bitching. My current wife politely advises me of the best course of action to avoid an intractable situation. I have learned to listen to THAT sound!
Sounds like "please".
Most sounds are becoming more and more faint to me. I can barely hear people when they turn away, and are still talking to me. There may be some sounds in the upper registers, but my last hearing test didn't show any abnormalities.
Crickets, the sun is up now :)
I don't know really, since I can't hear them anymore.
Since I moved from Florida to Illinois...I no longer hear the waves crashing onto shore or seagulls.....
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