You know, I've found that I've never had to type anything more complicated than a FOIL equation.
This is probably as long-winded as anything else I've ever typed into Excel: =IF(OR(I8<=$D$3,NOW()<$D$3),F8)+IF(AND(NOW()>$D$3,NOW()<$D$5,I8>$D$3),ROUND((H8*(NOW()-$D$3)/30*2%)+F8,0))+IF(I8>$D$3,ROUND(H8*(I8-$D$3)/30*2%,0)+F8)+IF(AND(NOW()>$D$5,I8=0),ROUND((H8*14%)+(F8*14%),0))+IF(AND(NOW()>$D$3,I8=0),ROUND((H8*(NOW()-$D$3)/30*2%)+F8,0))
Something hideous using IF statements coupled with array summations and rounding probably. I don't know exactly to be fair, I have done some pretty horrendous Excel formulae in my time!
I've done some hellacious combinations of SUMPRODUCT formulas. That is, adding one SUMPRODUCT to another based on various values in the worksheet. I wouldn't even attempt to recreate it here.
I don't remember exactly, but there were some ridiculously long formulas in my Computer Skills for Engineers class.
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