That it might be one of my nieces, two of whom have different coloured hair every time I see them.
"Punk"... Lol. j/k
I'd think "OOh look someone with blue hair!"
I was visiting at the Nursing home again.
wow nice blue hair for a blue haired person.....
I love blue.Thats my color!
For those who are outlandish about it, I think they're there for my amusement because it looks funny as h*ll! For those who are using it as a stylish compliment to their dress, I think "hey, that's neat!"
I have seen someone and it dosent bother me its a bit wild but im not the one who has to walk around with it lol
Flashbacks, of my boys hair when they were younger.
That used to be pretty common with old ladies who would meet for tea.
that they have blue hair
Someone that wants to stand out from the crowd
Flashback to the 80s.+5
Bad dye job. :)
I would think that they like their hair that color & that they don't mind standing out from others.
They are either an alien or they are trying to make a fashion statement.
Conformist ;)
My youngest stepson wanted a blue mohawk. He was testing me and his mom. We let him do it with washable blue die and he looked hilarious. He didn't like it and never tested us again LOL
That they want to stick out as an individual and they like the idea of blue hair to do it.
One of my friends dyed his hair blue. He looked like a clown. Eventually his hair turned green. All he wanted was to stand out and he did a great job at that.
Individuality. Blue is cool.
oh look a loyal member of the crips gang
That they probably like it?!?!
That they like Smurfs.
Woah, crazy person! nah, i think colored hair is cool, and shows people's interests and uniqueness. (:
Oh look, blue hair.
my sons friend used to streak blue dye into his hair and it looked real sexy actually lol
Great. I used to wear an electric blue wig myself. I loved it.
It's Nana!!!!
Not much. I see hair like that alot. It's impossible to shock or surprise me.
The carpets don't match the drapes
Oh look, it's Marge Simpson! Hiya Marge, love your work!
remember back when my hair was that color and the slue of other colors I've tried
My Sharona, here art thee. :)
Daddy issues.
Take a walk down Venus Beach CA and tell what you think?
Sometimes it`s cute,sometimes it is weird.Alot of teens like to color some of their hair blue,red,or pink,or black.Sometimes it is just extentions,not real hair...Little old ladys used to get a colored rinse over their gray or white hair.Very pale blue,purple,pink.I think it was to cheer themseves up.It was pretty sometimes.
he or she doesn't care what people think about them....
"Good on them!" and "Scene kid!
Nothing. Should I ?
I would think it's cool!!! ^^
I would think they put blue dye in their hair because they wanted blue hair.
i would think punk rockers must be back in fashion
that if its a girl below that hair she could be my girlfreind
I would think I'm back in Toronto again!
Refugee from the 80's.
I would think it's awesome.
I would think "Hm, that person has blue hair."
+5 they need a new stylist
two things. she likes to party late at night, and shes probably addicted to heroin.
I'd think - "Look at that twit pretending to be a Punker". Because back in the day I was a REAL punker and I can tell you officially that Punk has been dead for 25 years.
Years ago, I would have thought that grandma had gotten her hair done. Now, well, it's normal, right?
Depends on who. Playful? I am a mature man with shoulder length hair, aonce blond, becoming darker with age. I use a little blue to emphasize my gray.
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