• Nothing. Allah is God, it's just a different language (Arabic) Literally, I think it means "The one to be worshipped" ie God The word Allah is used for God by ALL the Arabs, including Arab Christians and Jews. It's even used in the Gospel translations.
    • pugwashjw65
      there is a big difference... Allah is Arabic for " God" which is a title not a name. The proper ' God' of true Christianity is Jehovah...His name...He is also almighty God [ his title ] The term ' god, as a title, can also be applied to Satan...(2 Corinthians 4:4) among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. So the term does not always denote a singular GOOD 'God". Only a proper Bible study will make these fine points Be brave and research.
  • The previous answer says it all. However muslims prefer to use the term Allah. And Allah has a hundred names. So its all about names.
  • The only difference is in the practice of the worshipper.
  • The word "Allah" does indeed mean" God", but the imaged that the two words conjures up in the minds of its adherents is very different. To the christian, brought up on the Bible, God is the Creator and the Judge, but he is also love, as shown in the sacrifice of his son for rebel humanity. Humans must respond to this love, to be filled with his spirit, and do good works out of thanks for his goodness. Allah, although referred to as merciful, does not extend grace to people, but imposes sets of rules and regulations upon his people, to which they must submit. He does not have a personal relationship with his people, but sent prophets from time to time to restate his laws. Good works are done as a sign of submission, and to earn his favour.
  • I'm sorry singwell. Your idea about the meaning of Allah is very narrow and limited. Love and grace and humility is not just restricted to the christian please dont appropriate its meaning.
    • Linda Joy
      This should be a comment on singwell's answer because you didn't answer the question.
  • a word
  • I'd say a lot. Although some would argue that Allah is the Arabian word for God, it may be, but presuming that you are talking about the Islamic Allah, he is far different than the God of the Bible, JEHOVAH God. God has a Son, Jesus Christ.(see John 3:16) Allah does not. (Sura 25:2) God is not just a Father (see Matthew 6:9), but the Father. Not only of Christ Jesus, but of all those that are born-again. God is the Son. (see Hebrews 1:8) and Allah is not any of these. (Sura 25:2) God is also a Spirit.(John 4:24) I don't think that the Qu'ran teaches that Allah is a spirit or anything for that matter other than an invisible, intangible, and unknowable deity. Whereas God is a personal God who is knowable to all who receive Him and wants a personal relationship with human beings. God is also triune (three-in-one: a Trinity.) but Allah is not.(Sura 4:171) So, obviously the Islamic Allah is not the God of the Scriptures and thus belief in and worship of him would be idolatry because God said "thou shalt have no other gods before me" in the Ten Commandments. For more information and for where I got this information on what the Qu'ran says, please go to this: -May the true and the living God and His Christ, the Lord Jesus, who is Lord of all, get the glory. -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
    • pugwashjw65
      The Bible does not support the trinity... Jesus prayed to his father Jehovah, making Jesus the LESSER one. No equality. (Philippians 2:6) who, although he was existing in God?s form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.
  • Thank you, dear, for your question. At the beginning, I feel a linguistic analysis of the origins and meanings of the two terms, God and Allah, would be most useful. According to most dictionary references, the majority of words currently in use today trace their source back to Latin, Greek or Old, Middle; German, French or Spanish, along even with reference sometimes to Hebrew or Sanskrit. Arabic is rarely referenced, which is another problem that needs to be tackled in a separate article. Attempting to find the origin for the term, God proved to be quite fruitless as I perused all major English dictionaries, old and new. I welcome anyone’s proofs to the contrary, and, until such time as any are brought forward, I invite all to read this answer, which is based on what I consider to be the supreme truth, found in the Arabic language. Taken as a given that the concept of the word God in most minds is that of strength and giving, fairness and capability, I offer the possibility that the root can be found in the Arabic term jude, which root is jawada - which is this meaning exactly. A related term in English would be the word “good”. Let us now look at the Arabic word Allah - we can immediately recognize the English word “all”, indeed we have herein one of the best characteristics of Allah’s attributes; The All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Hearing, All-Merciful etc. Every baby born anywhere in the world has, as his first utterance the short “a” sound. No new born ever cried out with an “s” or a “t” or a “d” or a “b” sound! All exclaim the “a” as an expression of the oneness of humanity, in relation to its Creator. Also, all final deathbed gasps exhale the “h”, the last letter of the name of Allah. This is because He is the First and the Last! When we scream in pain or cry out in fear, or grunt and groan during strenuous exercise or disgust, or exclaim in joy or surprise, it is the very same… “ahhh”, and not the “g” of the word God that we all emit. This reality is intrinsic in our innermost selves, something out of our control!! Why is this so, you may ask. It is because the word Allah refers to the concept of that which all turn to for refuge and repose. Without finding this state of rest and security, we are in a constant state of frustration and irritability. Our souls all yearn to reach the place of contentment, which can only be found by knowing Allah as He has revealed Himself to us, in the Qur’an. Another interesting facet of the two related languages is the relation of the words “man” and “woman”. The word “man” (mim, nun) in Arabic is the personal pronoun for the human being, as in the English word “man”. Both languages use the term also in the sense of “who”. Therefore, the usage of the term “man” is nearly identical in both languages! The word “wa” in Arabic means “and”. In English the word “woman” could be seen to be derived from the concept of a partner to the man. Therefore, the woman or “waman” as it might be more correctly rendered, can be construed as meaning “and-man” or “together with man”, the couple which forms the very essence of the human race… The reason why I referred to the letter "o" as an incorrect rendering in the English word woman is my idea that “o’s” and short “e’s” are extraneous additions to the correct pronunciations, found in the Qur’an. As these sounds were not originally revealed by Allah. The Qur’an is the only revelation, which has remained intact. Both the original Torah and Bible are non-extant and therefore, not open to analysis of their original linguistic aspects. The assumptions put forward regarding the Sumerian, Akkadian, Chaldean, Syriac, Aramaic and Hebrew roots, do not readily admit to these, being derived from the mother Arabic for obvious reasons. Here, I shall offer a very plausible argument for my suggestion that Arabic is the true language of humanity, based on some concrete examples, with which we can form illuminating comparisons. If Allah, the Eternal Unchanging Truth, chose to call Himself Allah… is it meet and proper for any created being to change His name? Do any of us have the power to move an atom in the universe without Allah’s first moving it and giving us the ability to be used, as His instruments? Consider the usage in Hebrew of the word “Elohim”. Elohim stands for the concept of the Supreme Being, along with His attributes. We Muslims say Allahumma for Allah and His attributes, or names and characteristics. Those who went astray, after they knew the truth from bani Isra’il are known in Arabic as “yahud”. They were not content with the limitations of Allah in any fashion, and were always adding or deleting to that which Allah had ordained. Similarly, they do the same behavior today, with genetic engineering, euthanasia and cryonics etc., forever exceeding the limits of Allah, even in regards to life and death! The word “Elohim” (plural of “eloha” - the powerful) was invented by them to resist the Almighty. “A” - The first letter of Allah’s name, was changed to “E” and the second was changed to “o”. There are portions in the Pentateuch, which refer to Elohim and others, which refer to Yahweh and was changed to Jehovah only in the 14th century. It is read in Greek as Adonis and in Latin as Dominus. Yet, Allah the Almighty, who is the “all in all” - does not ever change and thusly it would stand to reason, neither would His name. It is now and forever, as it was revealed in the Qur’an - ALLAH. And furthermore, I venture to claim that if the original Torah and Bible were extant for us to examine, we would find the word Allah there also. I wish to remind all sincere Christians, correctly following Jesus - who never called himself God - of the very first two of the Ten Commandments. # I am the lord thy god, thou shalt not have false gods before me. # Thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy god in vain. Allah warns those who divide Him, as the sole to be worshipped and His total sovereignty over all His Creation (known in Arabic as tawhid al-uluhiyya and rububiyya) He also cautions against tampering with His very name. Would you not then glean from these two first commandments that those who prefer the “E” should be careful of taking the Holy Name in vain? It is the One and Only we worship, Allah as He called himself… nothing is comparable to Him, never begot and was never begotten… Light of heavens and earth. The Transcendental, Who would not be incarnated, the All-mighty and All-compassionate. I hope this sheds light on the concern you have and would help reply to your question. And Allah knows best. Useful Links:
  • Only Jehovah knows! ;-)
  • Religions.
  • God has more property? ;-)
  • The God of the bible is NOT a false god.
  • During the days of Abraham, Allah was known as the Moon god of War and was adopted by the Mulims or there founder Ishmael or Abraham's first born, born of his servent girl. The God most christians today worship is known as the one true God or the God of Abraham. And Allah is the Moon god of War or a pegan/false god. It is symbolized by the cresant moon and sword on the muslims flags.
  • in my reasoning, a very IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE, the I AM is the Holy Spirit, not Gabriel as Muslims believe, the Almighty sent a Savior, Immanuel( God Among Us), not a mere prophet as Muslims believe...and finally , HE is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit...with my God all things are possible... my GOD, Jehovah, sent the WORD..not the Quran........the Muslim believe only their book was ALLAH whispered...I believe only the Holy Bible was of the Almighty and written by HIM... so , their god cannot possibly be the one I worship..plain as that....and I am quite tired of them saying ,"Mohammed knew Jesus too." He KNEW Jesus no more than the Jewish Priests that had HIM crucified did....
  • nothing different w/ thm,the diffrent just a religion thy both god,
  • Nothing Allah is Arabic for God. But the muslims prefer to use the word Allah because the word god can be attached to other suffixes and prefixes As godly, godfather, godmother and etc. It could be goddess but the muslims believe that Allah has no gender. SO muslims prefer Allah
  • The difference is Language. God other languages, regardless of the book (Bible, Torah, Koran): French: Dieu German: Gott English: God Spanish: Dios Italian: Dios Polish: Bóg Dutch: God Portuguese: Deus Russian: Бог Turkish: Tanrı Romanian: Divinitate Hungarian: Isten Czech: Bůh Arabic: Allah (Arabic Speaking Christains and Jews also use the Word) Just because the Arabs say kulib and Germans say hund, the French say chien, Czech say pes, Hungarians say Kutya, but they all are referrng to Dogs. Many words, but they all mean the same thing.
  • Nothing.
  • all are same...i think its people's perspective tat makes difference......
  • Your perspective!
  • translation.
  • Allah seems to be of the opinion that everyone who worships him is required to act like a spoiled brat whensoever someone else disagrees with the "true believer'. Whereas God seems to be of the opinion that everyone who worships him is required to act like a spoiled brat whensoever someone else disagrees with the "Good Christian".
  • The spelling
  • God and Allah are one and the same. Just as the mostly Catholic Spanish call God "Dios", Muslims call him "Allah". The difference is cultural and linguistic.
    • pugwashjw65
      The word " Allah " does not appear in the Bible...IF Allah WAS the supreme being, do you not think he would have made sure his [ even ] Arabic name would be there... it is not, Because ' god' is a title and not a personal name.
  • God with the capital "G" means the Supreme Being. Allah in Arabic is translated as "Khayrul-Makereen." It means the greatest of all deceivers.
  • The word God is a title.
  • not rnuch

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