• Umm, we're in the second millenium, and I see lots of churches around still.
  • For the duration? You can't guarantee "all" Churches will be around another ten minutes. Churches start or die out all the time. There will still be many denominations when the Millennium comes.
  • We are told that the Millennial Earth will be inhabited by people who are at least living at the level required to enter the Terrestrial Kingdom. If this is the case, then that means that it will, at least initially, be inhabited by people who are trying to live a good life, but have not necessarily accepted the fullness of the Gospel. This would mean that there probably would still be people following other faiths. However, I would think that, as the Savior's reign continued, these other religions would die out as their followers came to know Him and His expectations better. Thus by the end of the Millennium, there would only be one religion, that being the true religions of Christ.
  • Why do you need Churches if God if physically present on Earth? There will be NO churches on Earth during the Millennium because there will no longer be any need for them. Whew your LdS-centric view of Theology and dogma may be blinding you to common sense mate! However, I gave you +6 because I like you - that and you're LdS-dogma driven questions always make me grin, grimace, and generally lighten my day in some way.
  • have no idea

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