god will get them
I hardly think speeding stops a person from being a Christian
He's drunk.
I think that it was something they put on their car that will label them without having to perform actions to back them up. Why do people dress trampy, then get offended when people touch them? They wanted to present an image without actually doing the deed. Many display Christian emblems in an attempt to convince others (and sometimes themselves) that they are Christians just in case they can't tell by thier actions. Ones actions should identify what kind of person you are, not a label, a cross, a little fish on your car, a bumper sticker, t-shirt or WWJD bracelet.
I'd think. "it's just a sticker" and "Damn asshole just ran a red!"
I don't think there is anything in the new covenant about driving irresponsibly.
haha- i think it's funny.
I'd remember that they're human too and I shouldn't set radical expectations for them because of their beliefs.
That everyone makes mistakes and the Jesus fish reminds me to not pass judgement.
Nobody's perfect, no matter what your beliefs are.
I don't read the Bible now, but I never remember seeing anything in it about how to drive a car or ride a horse even, for that matter.
Where is a cop when you need one?
It reminds why I don't put stuff like that on my car.
To me that emblem is saying that they are trying to follow in Jesus's footsteps (to be Christlike.) It should show that He is sitting with them in the car. It would be better if they put it on their dashboard where they would see it and remember that He is with them, white knuckles and all! It may not say anything in the Bible about speeding, running redlights, and such, but it says A LOT about obeying laws, and I don't believe that Jesus would EVER break a simple law like stopping at stop signs, speeding,... I love Abberz's answer, great way to look at it. I will try and remember that. Thank-you. Hope this helps your inquiry. God Bless, <:))))<><
I get this sarcastic feeling, all up and down my spine, usually with the words " God must want that idiot pretty bad and 'lo He shall provide" being muttered.
I think that we need to remember that the Bible says no one is perfect, not even the person that put that fish on the car, (who may not even be the driver). The only thing the "Jesus Fish" means is, I am a Christian TRYING to live my life right, and sometimes I make mistakes. Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.
I think the same thing I would if they didn't have a fish on their car, "What an idiot, putting people in danger like that!"
I would assume that the car was
Another "Christian" get outta the way!
I look at them just the same as anyone else breaking traffic laws... Dumb@$$es! :-) And yes Im not prefect either folks!
I usually don't think anything out of the ordinary. Am I supposed to have a different standard/thought for Christians?
I don't care. No one on Earth can be perfect! Not even Christians!
Nothing compared to what I think when I see an officer of the law speeding, even though he/she isn't on a call.
All people are sinners. The Christian is no different than anyone else other than they know that they are sinners and believe that there sins are forgiven through Christ. It's not a matter of being perfect, it's realizing that your not.
There human too. all of us are not perfect or claim to be. If you are then you must be god
I think they are human. Just because they follow a spiritual figure they admire, doesn't make them the spritual figure. Remember the lesson judge not, lest ye be judged? Its better than if they have a kiss my ass sign on their car.
Welcome to the human race where people make mistakes including Christians.
I think,"man I hope they get where they're goin'"
I think "that car is speeding & has a Jesus fish on it". Why? What do you think?
That person is a lawbreaking christian! Oh my!!!
I never drank before I was 21 (or after for that matter), I dont jaywalk, I dont speed, I even pick up litter people drop. Just by typing that and pressing enter, Im not being modest and am being a jerk. Why am I bragging like that? But if I never typed it, you wouldnt ever know it. Theres plenty of good you never see, because if you could see it, it wouldnt be good anymore. Theres plenty of religious people who you never hear about the good they do.
Yet again. Not Perfect, just forgiven- automatically.
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