• I would say crunches and squats
  • Lunges hit alot of muscles - tones your butt, quads, hamstrings and touches your calves too!
  • Definitely lunges for the bottom, hips, quads, hams, calves, and hip flexers (tummy too, if you keep it properly sucked in). Just make sure you are dropping your hips straight down (like an elevator) and pushing your hips forward. Your legs should form a 90 degree angle or less (drop drop hips below your knees) and you shouldn't lean forward, straight up and down.
  • Cardiovascular exercises. Sure the crunches and squats will produce results but not as quick as Cardio does. Cardio exercises include, swimming, rowing, biking, boxing, skipping & running. Swimming and Rowing are the best, in order to succeed in the exercise you must use all muscles.
  • All of the things that were said, and walking too!
  • Lunges , Squats , Crunches and a small trampoline is great for all over strength and toning and does not put pressure on the knees and ankles
  • I've always been partial to those eliptical trainers you can find at the Gym. Half an hour or so a day will really help trim up your hips, thighs, butt, calves and is good cardiovascular exercise too.
  • lunges and squats.
  • everything mentioned above, plus jogging!! Try jogging for a few minutes on your tippy toes, that will primarily hit your calves..also whenever you do lunges hold a five pound (or whatever) dumbell on each hand, same for squats... ** this might sound funny but get into a crouching position place your hands behind your ears and jump....hits your quads and buttocks.

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