• Coke, Dust, Toot, Line, Nose Candy, Snow. Sneeze, Powder, White Pony, Flake, The Lady, Cain, Rock, and Crack
  • Street Names / Slang Terms Cocaine Powder badrock, bazooka, beam, berni, bernice, big C, blast, blizzard, blow, blunt, bouncing powder, bump, C, cabello, caine, candy, caviar, charlie, chicken scratch, coca, cocktail, coconut, coke, cola, damablanca, dust, flake, flex, florida snow, foo foo, Freeze, g-rock, goofball, happy dust, happy powder, happy trails, heaven, king, lady, lady caine, late night, line, mama coca, marching dust/powder, mojo, monster, mujer, nieve, nose, nose candy, p-dogs, Peruvian, powder, press, prime time, rush, shot, sleighride, sniff, snort, snow, snowbirds, soda, speedball, sporting, stardust, sugar, sweet stuff, toke, trails, white lady, white powder, yeyo, zip Smokeable Cocaine ball, base, beat, bisquits, bones, boost, boulders, brick, bump, cakes, casper, chalk, cookies, crack, crumbs, cubes, fatbags, freebase, gravel, hardball, hell, kibbles n’ bits, kryptonite, love, moonrocks, nuggets, onion, pebbles, piedras, piece, ready rock, roca, rock(s), rock star, Scotty, scrabble, smoke house, stones, teeth, tornado
  • I only know Charley!!!
  • No one said "White Lady"seen that on a movie
  • And no one has said yak... or "that fat white bit*h" ... not to mention "snort", "snuff" or just plain "white"... "blow" is quite popular a term as well...
  • It often gets called "gack" here in Britain. "Morningside speed" is an Edinburgh term, coming from the existence of Morningside as a posh suburb. Otherwise just "charlie" or "coke".
  • Blow Charley Coke Snow Dust Snuff Cola
  • every one missed the "devils love potion"
  • amped (verb) stimulated by drugs, especially cocaine or amphetamine bah-say freebase cocaine; cocaine paste (basuco) banano marijuana or tobacco cigarettes laced with cocaine base freebase cocaine base house place for smoking freebase cocaine or crack base pipe pipe for smoking freebase cocaine or crack baseball freebase cocaine baseballing smoking freebase cocaine basuco coca paste (barely refined cocaine with adulterants) beam me up Scottie taking an additional dose of cocaine candycaine cocaine candy cane cocaine cat's pee crack cocaine champagne of drugs cocaine hydrochloride chasing the dragon inhaling vapors of heroin or cocaine heated on tin foil coke bugs tactile hallucination after using cocaine which creates the illusion of bugs burrowing under the skin crack house place where crack cocaine is sold and smoked crack pipe pipe for smoking crack cocaine crackers crack cocaine dusty roads cocaine and PCP mixture for smoking flaky addicted to cocaine Florida snow look-alike cocaine fluff filtering heroin or cocaine through cloth (often a stocking) to increase its apparent bulk get your own cocaine gutter glitter cocaine; drugs in general heavy stuff heroin or cocaine homer freebase cocaine incentive cocaine line single dose for snorting cocaine hydrochloride Merck pharmaceutical cocaine (from the manufacturer) Ocean Spray salt water in mister bottle used to spray nasal passages after snorting cocaine or other drugs on the pine smoking freebase cocaine one and one snorting cocaine using both nostrils P.F. crack cocaine in aspirin-sized tablets as a disguise rail single dose for snorting cocaine hydrochloride snort cocaine snow lights visual hallucinations after cocaine use, image of flashing bright lights space blasting smoking cocaine and PCP together speedball injection of heroin and cocaine mixture speedball artist one who injects heroin and cocaine mixture Wacky dust cocaine weasel dust cocaine All-American drug cocaine Angie cocaine Aunt Nora cocaine Balling vaginally implanted cocaine Barbs cocaine Base cocaine; crack Basuco cocaine; coca paste residue sprinkled on marijuana or regular cigarette Bazooka cocaine; crack Bazulco cocaine Behind the scale to weigh and sell cocaine Beiging chemicals altering cocaine to make it appear Belushi cocaine and heroin Bernice cocaine Bernie cocaine Bernie's flakes cocaine Bernie's gold dust cocaine Big bloke cocaine Big C cocaine Big flake cocaine Big rush cocaine Billie hoke cocaine Birdie powder heroin; cocaine Blizzard white cloud in a pipe used to smoke cocaine Blotter LSD; cocaine Blow cocaine; to inhale cocaine; to smoke marijuana Blow blue to inhale cocaine Blowcaine crack diluted with cocaine Blow coke to inhale cocaine Blow smoke to inhale cocaine Blunt marijuana inside a cigar; marijuana and cocaine inside a cigar Body packer person who ingests crack or cocaine to transport it Bolivian marching powder cocaine Booster to inhale cocaine Bouncing powder cocaine Bubble gum cocaine; crack Bunk fake cocaine Burese cocaine Burnese cocaine Bush cocaine; marijuana C cocaine Cjoint place where cocaine is sold C & M cocaine and morphine C-dust cocaine C-game cocaine Cabello cocaine Caine cocaine; crack California cornflakes cocaine Came cocaine Candy cocaine; crack; depressant; amphetamine Candy C cocaine Carnie cocaine Carrie cocaine Carrie Nation cocaine Cecil cocaine Chalked up under the influence of cocaine Chalking chemically altering the color of cocaine so it looks white Charlie cocaine Chase to smoke cocaine; to smoke marijuana CHIPPY cocaine CHOLLY cocaine COCA cocaine COCAINE BLUES depression after extended cocaine use COCKTAIL cigarette laced with cocaine or crack; partially smoked marijuana cigarette inserted in regular COCOA PUFF to smoke cocaine and marijuana COCONUT cocaine COKE cocaine; crack COKE BAR bar where cocaine is openly used COLA cocaine COMEBACK benzocaine and mannitol used to adulterate cocaine for conversion to crack COOLIE cigarette laced with cocaine CORK THE AIR to inhale cocaine CORRINNE cocaine COTTON BROTHERS cocaine, heroin and morphine CRACK cocaine CRYSTAL methamphetamine; PCP; amphetamine; cocaine DAMA BLANCA cocaine DO A LINE to inhale cocaine DOUBLE BUBBLE cocaine DREAM cocaine DUCT cocaine DUST heroin; cocaine; PCP; marijuana mixed with various chemicals DYNAMITE heroin and cocaine EL DIABLITO marijuana, cocaine, heroin and PCP EL DIABLO marijuana, cocaine and heroin FLAKE cocaine FLAME COOKING smoking cocaine base by putting the pipe over a stove flame FLAMETHROWERS cigarette laced with cocaine and heroin FLORIDA SNOW cocaine FOO FOO STUFF heroin; cocaine FOO-FOO DUST cocaine FOOLISH POWDER heroin; cocaine FREEBASE smoking cocaine; crack FREEZE cocaine; renege on a drug deal FRISCO SPECIAL cocaine, heroin and LSD FRISCO SPEEDBALL cocaine, heroin and LSD FRISKIE POWDER cocaine G-ROCK one gram of rock cocaine GAFFEL fake cocaine GEEZE to inhale cocaine GHOST BUSTING smoking cocaine; searching for white particles in the belief that they are crack GIFT-OF-THE-SUN cocaine GIN cocaine GIRL cocaine; crack; heroin GIRLFRIEND cocaine GLAD STUFF cocaine GO ON A SLEIGH RIDE to inhale cocaine GOLD DUST cocaine GOOFBALL cocaine and heroin; depressant GREEN GOLD cocaine H & C heroin and cocaine HALF PIECE 1/2 ounce of heroin or cocaine HAPPY DUST cocaine HAPPY POWDER cocaine HAPPY TRAILS cocaine HAVE A DUST cocaine HAVEN DUST cocaine HEAVEN DUST heroin; cocaine HENRY VIII cocaine HER cocaine HITCH UP THE REINDEERS to inhale cocaine HOOTER cocaine; marijuana HORN to inhale cocaine; crack pipe HORNING heroin; to inhale cocaine HUNTER cocaine ICE cocaine; methamphetamine; smokeable amphetamine; MDMA, PCP ICING cocaine INCA MESSAGE cocaine JAM amphetamine; cocaine JELLY cocaine JIM JONES marijuana laced with cocaine and PCP JOY POWDER heroin; cocaine JUNK cocaine; heroin KING'S HABIT cocaine LACE cocaine and marijuana LADY cocaine LADY CAINE cocaine LADY SNOW cocaine LEAF marijuana; cocaine LINE cocaine LOVE AFFAIR cocaine MAMA COCA cocaine MAYO cocaine; heroin MERK cocaine MOJO cocaine; heroin MONKEY drug dependency; cigarette made from cocaine paste and tobacco MONOS cigarette made from cocaine paste and tobacco MOSQUITOS cocaine MOVIE STAR DRUG cocaine MUJER cocaine MURDER ONE heroin and cocaine NOSE CANDY cocaine NOSE STUFF cocaine NOSE POWDER cocaine NUMBER 3 cocaine, heroin ONE AND ONE to inhale cocaine PARADISE cocaine PARADISE WHITE cocaine PEARL cocaine PERICO cocaine PERUVIAN cocaine PERUVIAN FLAKE cocaine PERUVIAN LADY cocaine PIECE 1 ounce; cocaine; crack PIMP cocaine POLVO BLANCO cocaine POP to inhale cocaine POWDER DIAMONDS cocaine PRESS cocaine; crack PRIMOS cigarettes laced with cocaine and heroin QUILL methamphetamine; heroin; cocaine RACEHORSE CHARLIE cocaine; heroin RANE cocaine; heroin READY ROCK cocaine; crack; heroin RECOMPRESS change the shape of cocaine flakes to resemble "rock" ROCK(S) cocaine; crack ROXANNE cocaine; crack SANDWICH two layers of cocaine with a layer of heroin SCHMECK cocaine SCHOOLBOY cocaine, codeine SCORPION cocaine SCOTTIE cocaine SCOTTY cocaine; crack; the high from crack SERPICO 21 cocaine SEVENUP cocaine; crack SHAKER/BAKER/WATER materials needed to freebase cocaine; shakerbottle, baking soda, water SHE cocaine SMOKING GUN heroin and cocaine SNIFF to inhale cocaine; inhalant; methcathinone SNORT to inhale cocaine; use inhalant SNOW cocaine; heroin; amphetamine SNOWBALL cocaine and heroin SNOW BIRD cocaine SNOWCONES cocaine SNOW SEALS cocaine and amphetamine SNOW WHITE cocaine SOCIETY HIGH cocaine SODA injectable cocaine used in Hispanic communities SPEEDBALL heroin and cocaine; amphetamine SPORTING to inhale cocaine SQUIRREL smoking cocaine, marijuana and PCP; LSD STARDUST cocaine, PCP STAR-SPANGLED POWDER cocaine SUGAR cocaine; LSD; heroin SWEET STUFF heroin; cocaine SYNTHETIC COCAINE PCP T cocaine; marijuana TARDUST cocaine TEETH cocaine; crack THING heroin; cocaine; main drug interest at the moment TOKE to inhale cocaine; to smoke marijuana TOOT cocaine; to inhale cocaine TORCH COOKING smoking cocaine base by using a propane or butane torch as a source of flame TURKEY cocaine; amphetamine TUTTI-FRUTTI flavored cocaine developed by a Brazillian gang WHITE GIRL cocaine; heroin WHITE HORSE cocaine WHITE LADY cocaine; heroin WHITE MOSQUITO cocaine WHITE POWDER cocaine; PCP WHIZ BANG cocaine and heroin WILD CAT methcathinone and cocaine WINGS heroin; cocaine WITCH heroin; cocaine WOOLAS cigarette laced with cocaine; marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack YEYO cocaine, Spanish term ZIP cocaine PRIMOS marijuana cigarette or blunk with crack or powder cocaine SNOWCAPS cocaine sprinkled over marijuana bong hits CON-CON oily cocaine residue
  • yeyo also spelled llello that's what it's commonly called around here
  • One you should be familiar with is "blow".
  • Devils Dandruff, Buoogle is the london well known slang term for cocaine
  • coke blow caine snow ball powder soft
  • idk about everyone else but in florida we call it: coke powder white girl white lady christina aguilera paris hilton snow white poweraid coca cola blow sniff yae yeyo gate soft
  • booger sugar, butter, yayo
  • Did everyone really miss booger sugar?

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