I never did, I just learned to live with the pain and disappointment.
With a ladder!
Time and lots of shopping trips. +2
I convinced myself that it wasn't my wrongdoing and maybe someday the person would realize the folly.
i jumped and landed on my face
I didn't.
A few weeks of booze.
Void mediation.
Just by going around it, lol
i built a bridge. =) that usually will solve the problem. like they say: build a bridge and get over it. you gotta move on. =)
Anger. Properly focused, it can work wonders.
A tuna & mayonaise or a cheese & ham sandwich and you my friend are good to go!! (I shit you not) :)
Mostly just with time.
I built a bridge.
I jumped over it !
i didn't, i went thru it!
I haven't yet,,,why dredge up all my past?
Just gotta put it behind you and don't back up!
with the help of someone close :)
I took it so lightly that I floated over it.
Freddy Fender
I picked me up a replacement.
I havn't....need help!
In an airplane.
i didnt...but im trying
Never have. Never will. He doesn't know yet, but if he were with me every time I turn another guy away- he'd know.
Just plan ol' time.
Dr. Time takes care of that kind of problem.
I made me a Birdy Motel. It has 46 birdy rooms, water tower, automatic water bath for the birds, a working water wheel, when it rains, water from the roof gutters flows into the waterwheel which makes the wheel spin. Solar lighting for late arrivals. The rear of the bird house opens like doors for spring cleaning.
I hired assassins to deal with the underlying problem, them my various agents took measures to tidy up the records and remove certain loose ends so nobody could trace anything back to me or my organization. After that, I went on a small vacation to Florence & Athens...ah, it's good to be so ruthless...
by wisdom
I first tried to jump it, but it was too high, so I had someone lift me up and I climbed over...
bunjee-jumpd over it... :P... he he he... peace!!!
Discipline and positive self talk. I told myself that I would never again be a victim and that I would never again be vulnerable, weak, or a coward. And I wasn't.
Quit thinking about it and eventually forget it.
Ice pack and migraine medicines +5
I didn't
Time and friends help a lot. I also keep reminding myself that it change me forever, but it is not who I am.
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