• delete them jimmy and in 10 years time you will have trouble recalling the details that trouble you in detail
  • Every event is kept safe in memory.It's intensity goes low but it never get out of memory.
  • delete them, and then you will lead a happier life :)
  • It is not possible to delete them. It is better to reexperience them from 3rd person if you can put your view outside of you. It teaches you, i forget the terminology and all, but that is how psychologists get people to over come phobias and food allergies and stuff. They makes the people think about doing it over and over until they can accept it. Its called Neurolinguistic Programming. field is specifically neurolinguistics if you want to look it up.
  • Memories don't get deleted. They get stored in another part of the brain. Until you can face your traumatic events, your brain will open up your traumatic memory.
  • It all depends what it is I would much rather forget 1 I have but I also want to keep it as it was also a special moment. If its causing you pain get it out of your head or talk to someone about it
  • Yes it does depend on what it is and I tried hard for many yeas and just can't forget the bad truama in my early childhood and young adulthood? I sure would like ot know how someone got over extremely trauma in life?
  • I wish i could just forget all of them...They're too painful to remember
  • I wish I could because it has cause so many problems in my entire life but If someone has a a method that can truly delete serous traumatic events in your life, I certainly would like to know what it is. Please don't say praying. It helped me all through my life to go on and do the things I had to do in life and I praise God for that but I have prayed and prayed for years to just forget it all but it was so much.
  • Keep them in a place in your mind where you can learn but not be emotionally invested where it will cripple you with fear.

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