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  • The nutritional value of semen is so little. The average man's ejaculate contains about 15 calories... and is mostly high-protein, low-carbohydrates... it will vary depending on the diet of the man producing the semen
  • according to: Seminal liquid is made up of: 150 mg. protein 11 mg. carbohydrates 6 mg. fat. 3 mg. cholesterol 7% US RDA potassium 3% US RDA copper 3% US RDA zinc 300 million spermatoza
  • yes!! drink it up honey! it also revitalized mamory glands,so rub it on them whenever you get the chance. not to mention it has special cataracy healing properties, so don't cry if you get some in your eye!
  • I prefer potatoes and beans. but sometimes a teaspoon of semen in the evening does the trick. especially if it's mixed in with the potatoes and beans. maybe even a tablespoon.
  • what kind of protine? lysene or algene bad spelling)

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