• Since knowing the time of my death would cause my emotions to shift from one polar opposite to the other, I would do both!
  • It wouldn't make too much of a difference to me for a few reasons: 1) Based on the medical history of my mother's side of the family, I doubt I'll see 65 anyways; none of them did. 2) My own life is in flux to the extent wher I can't even plan for next month at the moment, let alone the rest of my life. 3) Every time I *have* planned ahead enough to set aside more money than I could afford to "just in case", that "just in case" thing happened, whether it be a car dying or a lay-off. 4) My attitude is that life is for living. If you are rich enough to set aside enough money to pay your expenses for twenty years and spend most of that time eating beans and rice and living in an unheated shack, is that really a life? I have no idea how long I will live, so I will try to live each moment as if it were my last. Besides, who knows when a meteorite will fail to COMPLETELY burn up on re-entry and hit me in the head, or when some driver will skid out of control and up onto the sidewalk?
  • I'd do whatever I liked cos I'd know it wouldn't kill me!
  • Makes no difference to me since I try to live each moment as if it were my last. Who knows when a meteorite will fail to burn op on re-entry and hit me in the head, or a driver will lose control on a rain-slick road and tag me as I am walking on the sidewalk? Life is for living, and I don't plan on living in an unheated shack eating beans and rice and missing out on all that life has to offer just in case I am fortunate enough to be the exception to the rule (nobody on my mother's side of the family has ever lived to 65; all natural causes). Besides, every time I *have* been even able to put money aside just in case, something happens; a car dies, medical bills... I literally CANNOT save for a future that is unlikely to happen in the first place.
  • I would act normal. But make sure my Will is up to date.
  • It would depend on how far into the future my death was going to be. If it were say, 12 noon tomorrow I would likely just say screw it and wait it out..How much could I learn in 6 1/2 hours? Plus not many others are going to be awake and most of my family lives 1000 miles away.. I might clean my room up a bit and take a good shower and go to the can with some heavy duty laxatives.. :)

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