Yes. I have fairly thick carpet and it's new.
When I'm with my boyfriend about all there is in the air is gas;)
If the weather is clear, nothing.
Yes, don't it hurt too!
There is just a little jolt in your stuff, it says, MORE!
not for a while..... But isnt it an amazing feeling!
Not since she tased me.
It is not lieral meaning...duh. Sometimes, you get somewhat exited and you imagine it.
Only when they are plugged in ;)
Yes..when I first met my girlfriend I would feel an electricity Inside of my body that It would have me shocked as I didn't know what to say to her.
no, apart from that one time having lunch with Raiden
I felt electricity at first, but after I fixed the wiring it went away.
Yes, I can indeed!
Pretty much all the time when im with my friend raiden
Yes. I can feel electricity even if someone I fancy just passes me by.
not for a long time! :(
No. Electricity is usually kept in cables and air is a bad conductor. So if there is electricity in the air you you better run away.
Yes when I am with my gf or is that because she is zapping me with a shock collar!!!
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