I think you should head off to the docs ASP:)
Go to an EMERGENCY ROOM .... ASAP !!
Please go to the doctor right away. You wouldn't want it to heal improperly because it could cause you problems the rest of your life. I know I'm not your mother, but I WILL tell her. Hope it heals quickly, KDP.
Bones start healing fast. Go to the emergency now. If you wait they may have to re break it to set it properly. And believe me. Not fun at all.
You should go to see an emergency doctor as soon as possible my friend. OMG, how and when did you get your arm busted?
You are in luck, I am not only Sillyville's president but I am also a doctor:) Lay down and pull your pants down so I can take a look:)
You have been told, don't be a wuss get to the ER N O W
It's unanimous...get to the doctor. The longer you wait, the more swelling may impede any necessary corrective action. Besides, you don't want it to heal improperly and cause more damage.
Go see the Doctor!!!!!
If you busted it up that means you broke some bones. If you broke some bones you need to make sure they are set properly so they can heal in alignment and not every which way. Go to the doctor now..Emergency Room or whatever. After awhile if the bones have knit too much you will have to have the bones broken again..I don't think you want that, kdp.
i would go see a doctor just in case something is wrong
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