Rabbits, fish, dogs, cats, horses, birds, turtles, frogs, etc. I believe that every animal that some people have as a pet can also be found out in the wild.
Well, this woman had a chimpanzee. This story is sad, it just happened in my state. :( + for your question. **MUAH**
uhhh, every animal is wild.
Hybrid dogs.
Guinea Pigs. I am sure you can find loads running around in Peru.
a ferret i want one so bad
Ummm cats. Dogs. Birds. Snakes. Turtles. Lizards. I'm sure there are wild hamsters somewhere. Fish. Horses. Goats. Sheep. Cows. Pigs. Monkeys. Guinea pigs. Sugar gliders. Tigers. Lions. Raccoons.
Cats. Domestic dogs turned loose do not do well in the wild, they tend to raid garbage cans and feeders to survive whereas cats seem to have a knack to hunt prey even when they are kept as pets... (Animal Planet)
skunks,i almost got one before i rescued my current dog.
Nearly everything! Dogs, cats, snakes, lizards, tarantulas, gerbils, hermit crabs, birds, you name it, it's probably in the wild as well.
possums (ours are seriously cuter than yours lol), rabbits, goats, pigs. I'd love a squirrel - but we dont have them here :(
Green Iguanas.
Macaw Parrots
Ferrets, snakes, frogs, toads, salamanders, fish, birds. There are also domesticated animals that don't have owners and live in the wild, and people who keep animals that would normally live wild, like squirrels and skunks.
My neighbor's mut.. sigh.
Birds Rabbits
Rabbits and turtles, got one of each!
dogs cats horses birds reptiles every species of domestic animal has it's wild counterpart
Skunk. We used to have a skunk as a pet:-)
Parrots. 🦜
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