Have you reached a verdict?
You are sentenced to life in prison!
HERE COOOMMMMMEEE DA JUDGE!!' (With apologies to Flip Wilson.)
You are in CONTEMPT!! Bailiff, remove her!
I hold you in contempt of court.
Order in the court!
"Hi honey, I'm home." "Your witness, defense." "Hey Joe! That was some ball game last night, eh? Scored at the last second to win!" "Please take the stand." "I'll have the chicken masala, with a salad and a cup of coffee, please."
Take him down.
Guilty as charged.. NEXT!
I hate wearing robes.
Where's my gavel?
This court finds you in contempt.. :)
hey i'm a freakin judgea and youre just a piece of crap, so go $#%@ yourself.
My turn: "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, today I will dispense justice."
"One more word out of you Counceler and I'll hold you in contempt"
Do you understand that by pleading guilty you are giving up the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty?
"Call your next witness."
heary heary this court is now in session
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