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  • You'll be pleased to know that is normal and fairly typical developmental behaviour for a 3 yr old. He will grow out of it, its all to do with 'self soothing' and has been widely documented in Psychology & child development.
  • As the joker said he is being normal, and will grow into a healthy young man. Here are two sites that may give you some insite: Hope this helps you understand.
  • Hes probley just exploring his sexuality and is doing what any other toddler would do. Nothing to worry about, its normal! =]
  • I use do the same thing from that age and up and that was a result of playing willys with an older man (babysitter) find out u never know.
  • Hi. I just read the "Questionnaire on Young Children's Sexual Learning" by Peggy Brick and Patricia Barthalow Koch printed in the "Handbook of Sexuality-related Measures (I'll get source later). The study reported adults have a very poor understanding of the sexuality of young children. The study (not the adults' answers) reports that 1) it is not unusual for young children to masturbate; 2) most preschoolers are not fearful of sexual topics; 3) infants do have sexual responses like cliotral/penile erections and orgasms; 4)children are known to stimulate their genitals before they are 3 years old; and 5) Adult responses to a child's sexual behavior have effect upon how "good" or "bad" children think sex is. As you can see from the last answer, it seems best not to overreact or try to stop this natural behavior for fear that it is "unnatural" or morally unacceptable (unless your religious beliefs prohibit masturbation), where in fact a wholly negative reaction to his sexual behaviors can have an adverse effect on the child's attitude toward sex. Further, according to the entry of "Sexuality" from The Encyclopedia on Sexuality (I'll cite later, I don't have the source with me right now), the author said some boys and girls like to masturbate each other when they are young; this does not necessarily indicate that they are homosexual or sexually perverted.

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