celery was my first thought
Linda Joymine too.
Potato chips. Very crunchy!!
Would it be wrong if I was to say it starts with a P and ends with a Y?
gum (depending on if you are rude or not)
Rice Crispies, Pop Rocks, chips.
Potato chips!
A crisp Apple....yummy! +5
I love Krunch..I make a veggie salad with the following components... cauliflower celery carrots onions radishes cucumbers tomatoes red bell pepper green bell pepper cilantro There is so much Krunch that when we eat it the house shakes as if we're having an earthquake! :) ((hugs))
Cheese Curd - or 'Squeaky' Cheese! I also like it when Cherry Tomatoes pop in your mouth :P
The Busemeister:
Pork rinds!
Live hamsters. SORRY! SORRY! JUST A JOKE!!!
Cauliflower, Celery and Carrots are what spring to mind right now :)
Wasabi peas
Pretzels, corn nuts, crackers....
snap, crackle, pop -------- rice crispies (sp)
Prawn Crackers
pop rocks!
Rice cakes.
Live mice...
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