• They all do that to bring attention!!! bloody rabbits!!!
  • Have you brought it to the vet? I'm not an animal expert but it kind of sounds like it's sick... Maybe it ate something it shouldn't have?
  • The batteries are running out?? Sorry, couldn't resist, have you contacted the vet?
  • it might be in shock, they can die quite easily from shock, so you should take it to the vet.. did a dog chase it or something?fall into the pool? my one rabbit died because of shock to the system, it might need something like a saline drip to help stabilize its system.. is it staring ahead kinda blankly and breathing very fast? just a suggestion.. he might also have eaten a poisonous kind of plant or something, does he roam outside usually?
  • Call the vet immediately and get him some help. Your rabbit could easily die.
  • my two rabbits kinda have the same problem(shaking). please find an answer to this problem. thank you

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