eating and sleeping a lot
using the bathroom, eating and talking...all the basics really
Reading a lot Sport and Dance. Travel.
Brushing my teeth....and other grooming activities.
Collecting baseball cards!
Learning - it is from the cradle to the grave for me.
Eating a lot; creating a mess anywhere I go, and breaking everything I touch. In fact I think I was born with it.
riding a bicycle
I think I'm going to leave my answer off the list :)
Trusting people.
Biting my nails! Such a bad habit from childhood.
singing. Love it
Well, that's kinda personal, ain't it?! ;-)
"Titties and beer!" ;-)
smoking weed.. hey you asked.
Computers. I started when I was 9, only figuring it would ever be a hobby and now knowing I could make a living from it. I don't foresee ever giving it up.
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