• No. The child needs to be fed and it's a natural part of the child rearing process. Why is it acceptable to pull out a bottle but not a breast? Most women that I have seen have been careful to cover themselves. It's not sexual in any way, shape or form.
  • yeah when some chick whips out her tit and the kid starts suckin on it. its kinda weird to me. but if she's pretty i guess its not too bad.
  • It's sad that we've gotten to such a state that feeding an infant the way nature intended is an issue of controversy. I breastfed my son, and it was never my preference to do so in public, but if he needed to eat, I fed him. Would you rather be slightly embarassed by a glimpse of a breast, or hear a screaming baby? I imagine most people will choose the former.
  • I think that militant women who breast feed in public to "make a point" are a little more than odd. I breastfed both my children. I did so modestly whenever needed. If I was in public, I tried to find a place where my child and I could relax in private. If I HAD to breastfeed in public (which only happened once), I very discreetly draped a blanket over myself and didn't expose myself. I think doing less than that is tacky and tasteless in the extreme. Breastfeeding is beautiful BUT it's not something to share with everyone at Starbucks or McDonalds.
  • No, people that make a fuss about it are odd though. Maybe they need to realize that women with babies still have errands and places to go and they can't always wait till the baby has eaten before they do that.
  • No. If the child needs to be fed then he needs to be fed. I don't see what the big deal is, can't people find something a little more hazardous to waste their energy on, rather than normal human functions?
  • I think of it as getting a free show. LOL
  • No, it's totally natural. When I was in France, nobody would pay attention to that. Here, it seems to be such a big deal!!! I don't understand!
  • They have 2 feed their baby! regardless of anything
  • Nope. Not at all. What's odd about a woman caring for her child as she was designed by nature to do? Only our social taboos make this unacceptable. That doesn't make it wrong. Don't get me wrong here...I prefer a woman to be discrete about it. Perhaps in a more private setting...which can be a baby blanket over her shoulder and feeding child for example. But by the same token, people need to be polite and graceful around the mother and child as well. Don't stare and don't make a scene.
  • Not at all! Natural
  • Not at all, unless the the one being fed happens to be more than developed. Geez, get a room.
  • Yes. But babies who do are perfectly normal.
  • In that case, they're just exploiting themselves.
  • I've never personally seen it where the mother is not discreet yo...
  • No, as long as the woman is a bit subtle about it, as in keeps her breasts covered by her shirt, then I don't mind.
  • No, I think they are a mother with a hungry baby.
  • I just stare really hard to try to make her feel more uncomfortable than me.'s odd.
  • if they use a blanket no, it is totaly fine. if they just whip it out then I'm gonna watch. if they have a problem then need to give themselves a little privacy like maybe with a blanket or something
  • I think that a mother that would choose to let her baby go hungry would be very odd. Discretion is nice, but I am not going to put my baby under a heavy blanket, or feed on a toilet seat to make others comfortable. Once my son became an adept nurser, the need for a cover no longer existed. He latches on quite quickly and my shirt covers my entire breast. I wear loose clothing if i know that I will be out and need to nurse. Nobody sees anything. I suppose you might catch a very quick nipple shot if you are trying to, but I usually try to find a private place where there aren't many people around. For example, in a restaurant, I might choose a table in a less crowded corner, or a quiet section of the bookstore. I don't usually just "whip it out" in the middle of the fast food court, although I have had to when he is very hungry and my family is in the middle of lunch.
  • No, it's natural :o)
  • No way.It's just a part of motherhood and the baby can need feeding anytime.
  • It depends on the place. In a park, no big deal. But in a restaurant, may not be as appropriate
  • I'm used to it being a completely normal and natural thing. Babies need to eat, mothers and babies need to get out of the house.
  • Only if they don't have children.
  • No..I think they are just caring for their baby..
  • Yes, but I try to suppress it because I know there's no rational objection to women breastfeeding in public. I value my rationality more than my gut reaction.
  • I don't mind at all, but I also don't think they should get angry when I ask for some.
  • Not in the least as its a natural thing to feed a baby when its hungry.Whats a bare breast the majority of men have seen them at some time in their lives.
  • No. I also don't think women should be made to feel they need to go to a toilet cubicle or a dark and lonely corner, or hide under blankets and such either. No woman I know or have ever seen breastfeeding in public has done so with the intent of exhibiting her breasts to the few people rude enough to gawk. I think people who take exception to women breastfeeding in public are odd.
  • NO WAY!! i breastfed my son for six months and if i was out and he needed feeding then i would feed him. i think it outrageous that people think that mothers are odd doing the most natural thing.
  • There is nothing wrong with a woman nursing her baby in pubkic!!! I nurse my son and he is 4 1/2 months old. His father is constantly giving me a hard time for doing at all especially doing it in public! It is perfectly natural and don't let anyone tell you or make you feel otherwise!!
  • It's not odd it's natural.
  • No. I think they have a hungry baby. I do, however, think that women who let their children scream with hunger in public are odd.
  • Yes I do, and I'm basing this off of my experience. What's odd about them to me, based off my experience, is that they are exposing themselves in public despite the fact that they are not comfortable with it. When I have seen these ladies, of course I'm surprised and look that way to make sure that's what I'm seeing. I could care less if a woman breast feeds her baby in public, but if somebody glances your way don't give them the evil eye. Don't glare at them five minutes later when you cross paths because you happened to be curious about what was going on. If you aren't comfortable with it, DON'T DO IT. Jesus lazy, come prepared if you are that uncomfortable.
  • I think its a little weird
  • Of course not! Babies get hungry and thirsty whether they are in public or not.
  • no its nature decision snd if any body feel odd than why they give birth that time no body see us naked
  • yeh i feel like they are going out of their way to do so, somewhat advertising the fact.
  • No but with any other behaviour that might offend some people, I think a small majority might have a subconscious desire to seek conflict by causing a stir between legality and morality... to me this is the greatest form of tyranny. You guys should write this down it's the deepest thing I will ever say on here.
  • No not at all, children should come first. And besides, isnt a bare breast a beautiful thing to look at; I dont understand why people get so offended by partial nudity; I think some of the clothes people cover themselves up with is kinda odd.
  • Not at all. Do you?
  • I enjoy staring at them. I often get slapped when I ask if I can use the free one.
  • No I do it all the time and I don't see anything wrong with it. If my baby is hungry and want's to eat she can eat. It doesn't matter if I don't have a blanket with me. Especially in the summer when it's too hot out to covor her with a blanket while she is eating. In more crowded areas I try to be as covored as possible and most of the time if I don't have a blanket my shirt covors adaquitly enough anyway. And my baby is happy, so that's all that matters.
  • as a 15 your not allowed to see a womans breast...why is it any different to go to wallmart and see a woman sitting on a bench breastfeeding ? i always feelt uncomfortable
  • NO. its a baby they have to eat too. just dont stare, the poor mother probably already feels self conscienous
  • No, it's odd to deprive your child of nourishment. A few weeks ago, I was having brunch and an obnoxious suburban mom let her child scream for 15 minutes because she didn't want to breast feed it in public.
  • Yes, but only when they do it in public.
  • Only if it's their S/O. lol
  • I think they are great mothers. Providing it isn't their husband or boyfriend that is being fed. +5
  • No I don't think a woman breast feeding in public is odd. I do think it is odd, well maybe odd isn't the right word, I think it is sad that we've created a society where so many think breast feeding in public is odd.
  • no they are great mothers
  • no because the kid got to eat it just a mom thang.

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