That's a lot that you're asking for.....lets see how far I can make it, but know that mortgage value is always HALF of the price of the property: DARK PURP:Mediterranean & Baltic $60 (mortgage $30), houses $50 each LIGHT BLUE: Verm. Orient. and Connect $100, houses $50 ea PURPLE: St. Char/States...$130, houses $100 Virgina $140, houses $100 ORANGE: St. james/Tenn $160, houses $100 NY $180, houses $100 RED: Kentucky/Ind $220, houses $150 Illinois $240, houses $150 YELLOW: Ventnor/Atlantic $220, houses $150 Marvin Gardens $240, houses $150 GREENS: Pacific and No. Carolina $300, houses $200 Pennsylvania $320, houses 200 BLUES: Park Place $375, houses $200 Boardwalk $400, houses $200 Don't forget Income and luxury tax, the railroads ($200) and utilities (water works and electric company both $150) - Good luck!
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