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that would depend on the guy, some do and some don't.
Hell Yes!....;-D... . (Disclaimer: If said woman is blood relative or an in-law, maybe not. But otherwise....;-D...) . . . .
I love hold my sexyness in bed, she can never get close enough.
it depends if it's before or after sex
Hell yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes exclamtion points ARE necessary!
"Yes" I like it when my gf gets under the blanket with me & we wake up together! So romantic.
Is it cold?
I think that if the two dont fit when they cuddle then maybee they shouldnt be!
Top of the world!
hell yea :)
most of them like it, most don't, it's on the nature f the guys
Fuck no!!!
Love it ;)
My guy does.
Some guys do...the really GREAT ones. Now, even that has a time limit because unless you have the best bed and a mountain of pillows, one or both of your arms' will get numb from the odd position
That the warmest feeling of love,nearly as many Yrs AB members are old as I have been married nothing like it real love bonds becomes stronger as you become older,yea cuddleing.
for 2 minutes then move over biatch coz i need my breathing space
No, not always. Especially not after a marathon hump session.
I love cuddling but always seem to find the women that don't go figure. I don't get it either. I mean I'm athletic have a nice tan body and always make a point to smell nice but yet nothing hmmm.. Maybe you ladies can fill me in on something I don't know.
I do, but it usually leads to something else. Things just happen to pop up.:)
I enjoy it.
i'm a guy, and for me, well, i prefer cuddling more than sex. i think theres nothing better in the world than a couple cuddling up in bed and just basically being together. also, if were cuddling, i wouldnt like having sex before or after, as this would ruin the mood.
yes,the more girls the better
For the most part yes, but sometimes after we both fall asleep its nice to pull apart...and as long as the girl is not trying to cuddle non-stop.
Yes I love to cuddle.
i dont - i cant stand it normally but on rare occaision it may be ok. u see?
Well I'm a girl, and I don't always like to cuddle. Sometimes my bf gets irritated because I swear if he could, he would lay on me all day, and I like cuddling but after a little while I just start to get uncomfortable. Like my neck hurts or my arm is squished in some awkward position.
haha im a guy and i love it
No, unless it's leading to something more. And after sex, cuddling is acceptable for a few minutes, then I prefer to have a little sleeping room.
Well, I do. Apparently, some don't.
As with most any sexual preference, your responses will be varied, but as for myself you can add me to the list of cuddlers. I'll never forget sneaking over to my first girlfriend's house and cuddling with her all night long. No groping, no monkey business, just heartfelt cuddling and the occasional kiss upon her shoulder, forehead, or cheek. God I miss being fourteen.
I do.
I sure do!My wife that is.
My guy loves it =]
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