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There's always pain. Someone out there cares about you.
jump out of plane.
Are you talking about pain to yourself or to others? If you want to kill yourself painlessly, there is almost no end to the list. If you want to avoid causing pain to others, there is no way you can kill yourself without causing horrible pain to those who know you and those who love you.
I would google it. Personally, I agree with PhiBetaSigma, There is never a person that dies where someone doesn't care....doees that make sense? Don't do it. It's much more time consuming to find reasons why not to die.
There is no way that is painless but there is a way to get rid of the pain and that is to get help Call someone Go to a doctor Do something to keep your self safe
Well, you can always cut off your own head with a chainsaw. It is fast, quick, and you will leave behind a statement.,23739,24679584-5013016,00.html
I see that you posted your message 5 hours ago. If you are still on line, could you please post a message and respond so we all know you are alright? Don't you realize that you have an entire community of people you don't know who care about your safety. I think that's pretty damn good. Please, post a message in response so we know you are ok.
Get very, very old.
get old. x bleek-j
That other guy is right someone probably does love you and besides if your going to kill yourself go through the military and jump in front of the enemy with a grenade launcher, you'll go numb from shock. Out of all the different ways to kill yourself, without pain, I've thought of a few solutions (that's right sin is manifested in the mind). The best by far though is using a 9mm dum dum by pointing it at your brainstem, usually through the mouth and severing all peripheral nerves from the c.n.s., and the relatively small size of the projectile will prevent your eyes and ears from blowing out! yeah, I know, just keep my mouth shut.
Dnt post ?s like this. The jigsaw man is still abt! x Bleek-j
How can anyone tell you there is a painless way to kill yourself? The only ones who really know are dead. What about the wrenching, guiltridden agony of the ones you will leave behind? I know how it feels to want to simply "check out" when things seem hopeless. Talk to someone...get help...if you give it time and let someone help you, it will pass. Life is never always easy, but sometimes we allow the dark things to overshadow the bright ones.
A twelve pack of beer, a garage, a hose and a running car.
Get really, really drunk and jump of a plane without a parachute
Anonymous are you out there still???? It's been many, many hours since your posting. Please pop in and say "hi" so we know you are okay. Talking about taking your life is much different than doing it. We have all felt that we wanted to die at one time or another. You have to be strong to make it through the emptyness you must be feeling. You are not alone. Please, send a message that you are okay? There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I promise. I've seen it.
Die of old age.
Firstly, there is no way to kill yourself without pain without the help of a doctor, which is illegal. There are all sorts of reports of taking pills and drifting softly into sleep and that great Goodnight. Wrong. They do not mention that the person convulses and vomits their way into death. You do not see any photographs of them covered in vomit and foam, and/or when they are still twisted from convulsions or stretching unsuccessfully for the phone. For just about any way you can list I can tell you why it is not painless. More importantly, I would not tell you how even if I knew the answer. That would be irresponsible of me morally. Also, if you were found dead having used a method I described, I could be charged legally for helping you. I shall, instead, say this: before you think further about this, do some deep thinking. If you kill yourself, you leave family and friends behind. If you say that nobody cares about you, know this: part of the disease of depression and one of the tricks a person's mind plays on them when they are suicidal is to believe that others would be better off without you. Also think about this: there are many, many botched suicide attempts that leave the person permanently damaged, even crippled or in extreme pain... for the rest of their lives. Call your local suicide hotline. Find websites about suicide (NOT "how to" websites) and learn coping skills. Find someone IRL to help... helping does not include telling you how to kill yourself.
Saw this on a TV special about suicide. You get one of those cheap felt dust masks a plastic bag and some tape. Place the dust mask properly on your face, then pull the bag over your head and tape it firmly at the neck. The dust mask prevents the bag from sealing your nose and mouth so there is no feeling of suffocation. The carbon dioxide builds up and you drift of to sleep for ever. Personally I'm more the high explosives and gun fight type make a statement, make a major mess.
I'm not sure which is sadder, your question, or the cynical answers clods have left for you so far. Anyway, know that there is much to live for, and the jerks you have met are not worth you dying for. There's a child in rural Peru, or Africa, or Mongolia, who is dying, who could be saved for the cost of your shoes. Without half trying you could turn this child's life around. There are so many other things you could do... Find a purpose, you can be a positive force in this world, and there are people who need you.
Don't waste your life, do some community service. There are people with a lot worse problems then you'll ever know, and you can make a difference for them.
breathing carbon dioxide...have a bbq inside ur home buring charcoal...
Let me add to this, sleeping pill overdose.
Why would you want to kill yourself? I hope you decide against it!
Death is pain itself. there is nothing in the world which kill you without pain. But one thing i am sure.. A lot of love can kill you if you find in some one
Oh don't do it please please. Now why would you ask something like that here on a QnA site? Shouldn't you be talking to a hotline or something? It's not a good place to ask, what really isn't a question but a plea for help, at all, I'd call a hotline. They're suited for this kind of stuff.
I dunno. But you're killin' the rest of us with these kinds of useless, self-absorbed questions! ;-)
Better Idea is to not do it. There's always a way out and things are never as bad as they seem. Promise you you wont believe the situations Ive known people to be in feelin like this where even a rational thinker is finding it difficult to see a way out for them, but they made it throught the other side. You have to be strong. You can have support from us on here and your friends / family if you have any. I know its hard when your alone & you cant stop thinking about it but try and push the thoughts out of your head. Do something ring someone, come on here, play tetris (this helps) do anything but dont let your mind wonder any further than the initial thought because thinking it throught whilst your feeling irational wont help you a bit. Dont do it there is always a reason to live even though you may not see it today, this week but a month from now your life could be completely happy.
Get married?! [But it's a long, slow 'death'] ;-)
can you do me a favour? go to the doctors first thing on Monday morning. Tell them how your feeling. If not already they will give you tablets for the interim whilst they sort out emergency councilling. For me this was a life line. I had been feeling like this, although pain wasnt an issue. I was at rock bottom. I really didnt want to go to councilling but I didnt have anything to lose it couldnt get any worse. Goin there was like a life line. I had something to live for from one week to the next because I had to go I had a responsibility to someone. I had things to do for them & in turn they would be there for me, help me to get stronger & mainly get to the bottom of what the original problem was from all those years ago in my case. things have changed so much for me now. I went from 13 years of depression on and off to now 2 years feeling a stronger person. I couldnt even say the word depression for chance it started off all those thoughts but now im writing about it. You can do it. Your dealin with the hardest thing you will ever deal with right now on your own so what have you go to lose. take the first steps to the beginning of the rest of your life. There is always someone on here 24 hours a day for your worst moments & you can contact me on here. Its time to take care of you for you. You need to look after yourself you deserve this.
Many of these answers are useless. If you are seriously asking what the best way to kill yourself, then hopefully you have seriously thought about this and made the decision, and people saying to seek help are useless. I googled effective suicide methods and 99% of the threads are people saying get help. WHEN YOU ARE AT THAT STAGE, YOU ARE BEYOND HELP!!! So please stop spaming that people shouldn't kill themselves, they have the right, and it makes it impossible to help make the final decision you have to make. I am not endorsing suicide, but spaming that people care, shouldn't make a difference if the person is serious.
Surely ur family care about u of all ppl. Just think how ur mum wud feel. Wud she want this? I bet she wud cry herself 2 sleep if u commited suicide. Suicidal thawts r not rational thinkin. Keep thinkin of ur family and how they wud feel. Gud luck. : )
How about thinking about all the things that make your life bearable first.
I am sick of any of these dont do it answers, please just answer the question or dont post at all, if you think you help by keeping someone miserable and poor alive then give all your salary to charity, jeez only freakin' good intentions, spare me. If someone out there really know a way to do this without getting a gun which is kinda hard in some countries or barbiturates, car and hose or any of your fancy death tips please help me and post it, thanks to real advise and not some bulls...t hypocrisy. Totally agree with mesme 99,so f**k u "caring people" if you really care for this world and for poor people u will also commit suicide.
how pity! i mean your family, your love one! you know what! sometimes i also get so depressed and i really feel like doing something that will cease my life and clear all my troubles but i try to imagine what would happen to my lil bro, my sister, my mom dad, my grannies my dear friends. they would bear the pains and sufferings that your thought i could delete away by suiciding! Suiciding is never an answer to any trouble and i really would laugh at you if you commit so! how pity... i mean your families not you because you are a looser and an asshole! STAND STILL AND BE POSITIVE DURING YOUR HARD TIMES, THAT IS THE REASON YOU ARE BORN ON EARTH. "Ships look beautiful on its shore deck but they are not built for that"
Carbon monoxide is painless. You go to sleep and never wake up. I would do it myself if I knew how. A decent gun is also a good idea. Stick the gun in your mouth and pull the trigger, quick and painless, unless you get it wrong of course. I'm always in pain with lower back problems. Had an op but no success, I don't live, I just exist. I haven't got the guts to kill myself and I would probably get it wrong and end up in a worse state.
Dear Martha Stewart, How does knowing that a child in Mongolia is shoeless help with suicidal thoughts here in America except to make me more ashamed and stupid for not being more grateful for " being a positive force in the world"?
If you have no friends or family then be the friend or family you never had for someone else. Find 50 things to be grateful for today. Two of the most selfish things a person can do is to take their life or take the life of another.
the best way to kill yourself? try to take 3 dozens of sleeping surely fell asleep and after that youll never awake again... thats a bullshit question..why would you want to kill yourself?do you have friends? why dont you try to tell them your problem...they can help you for sure!! try to think dude!!
Mojo Rider, thanks for your stupid comments, they made me laugh lots. You have really cheered me!! I think you would be doing the world and yourself a great favour by ending your own life, you sound like a very miserable and selfish person. Can't wait to read some more of your stupid comments.
Seriously though the best way to kill yourself is Carbon Monoxide poisoning, totally painless. You fall asleep and never wake up.
Hey you!
Questions like these actually pretty much piss me off. If you really want to kill yourself then be creative, I bet you can come up with a whole bunch of ideas yourself. But take your own responsibility and don't ask innocent people like us to help you get ideas! You are the one responsible for your life. And if you commit suicide, you are also responsible for hurting the people around you, damaging them to the point where they probably never really get over it. You need help? Then ask help to learn how to live, not how to die!
It's painless once you're dead. Of course it wouldn't actually be painless, because you wouldn't exist to know what pain is, or lack of pain. You would be nothing. Are you ready to be nothing at all? The truth is we can't know what a painless way to die is. We don't know what it's like to die - and those that said they have died and 'come back', well, they usually say the dieing part SUCKED ASS. So chew on that for a while. Dieing feels like sucking ass, and then you stop existing. You wanna speed that along?
The most painless & anxiety free way to commit suicide is to inhale Nitrous Oxide. Your body doesn’t even realise it's deprived of oxygen & the only sensation you have is warmth & happiness as you drift off. Only takes a few mins before you're unconscious. It can be bought without licence & its pretty readily available.... I would like to point out that I am in no way suggesting anyone should use this method & that anyone feeling this way inclined should seek Psychological help asap.
The best way to die without pain? There is none, you can't seriously say you can die without pain if your life sucks so much you're going to abandon it. Life is hard, deal with it. This world has enough cowards and wusses. Don't give me crap about it being your life and you can do whatever you want with it. If you want to kill yourself. You have no life, nothing to live for. Go get some help. Many people think there is no hope but it's worth a shot.
it's actually quite simple and cheap. no one will answer the question because they are too busy preaching about how wrong it is. that doesn't help a person who has already made up their mind, and they are only damning you to a painful death because your question offends their delicate sensibilities. the guy who said a six pack a hose and a running car was almost there, the problem with that method is that someone might find you after you have given yourself brain damage and "generously" save you, there by damning you to a worse fate. if you have access to insulin you can kill yourself quite effectively and quickly with an overdose of that, but i recommend that you look it up first so you know how and why it will kill you and how to use it, you can start by reading about how they used to put people in comas with insulin overdose before they learned about shock treatment. other than that go down to your local party store and get a small tank of helium that is used for blowing up party balloons, put a bag over your head and make a seal around your neck so that air wont get in, then run a tube from the tank of helium that goes into the bag and turn on the gas. you will be dead in minutes and you wont suffer at all. the thing that causes pain when you can't breath is a build up of carbon monoxide in the blood but none of the noble gas will give you the sensation that you need to breathe. that is the easiest way but not the best. the best way would be to go out with a sense of euphoria, for that i would suggest using the same simple apparatus as the helium example, but for the gas you would use nitrogen like they do for euthanising animals in Europe, or even better n2o also known as laughing gas, both of which will send you out with no fear, or pain, and no mess. most importantly you will go quickly so that some do-gooder wont "help" you to survive with a permanent disability. if you have the energy and you are serious about killing yourself and not just trying to get people to moon and coo over you, you should watch a bbc documentary called "to kill a human" or something to that effect, and download a book called "final exit" which you can get off of any file sharing site. of course i could go into much more detail about how to kill the brain stem without any pain but i think if you are serious enough you can look all this stuff up for yourself once you know what you are looking for.
I have tried it one time, it was Jan 2004, they put me in a mental ward after being in the hospital for 3 or 4 days.. i really dont remember. I was released 2 weeks later for refusal of treatment. I have a bad case of depression been dealing with it for years. I got in trouble in with the law in 2006, they put me in class to deal with my depression.. I was in turn ordered to take a medication to help me. I took this med for around a year and felt like a zombie on it. I was also having trouble payin $150 a month for it. Now about a year later i have noticed these thought making their way back into my head. I just dont know what to do. I am on probation so i guess I could ask them for help. But i just dont want to feel that way again. so for the poster of this I hope you got help. For i am scared I may not.
you should come to a numerical methods class in braga in a friday morning at nine o clock, and you would painfully begin a journey through the path of death and destruction, until you would no longer know if you were alive or dead, and instantly wish to simply cease to exist... trust me, i've seen it...been there, done that, and i barely came out alive.... or you could just put a pencil through your eye at the same time that you cut your throat with a very very unsharped and rusty blade, or just get laid with a AIDS whore, and feel happy before you start to will definitly be the fuck of your life xD Stay positive dude.
Im thinking about using a shotgun and blow my head off. i havent attempted but i cant take this pain anymore. Doctors wont help and i have dreams about my ex girlfriend that haunt....!!! someday this must end......
I do agree with the way the poster feel. I have always wanted to die, found no good reason to live. I was never a happy child, didn't play or care to smile. I have always hated the world around me and felt as if I was not from this place. This is not real, why would God who love us and know the end of all things- put me in this heel hole. Think about it, all the things you hear on the news about babies being killed, does God do that. Why would he let that happen. The woman that gets rapped, does God let that happen. The good who never seem to ever get anything, but pain does God do that. How can you people talk about a God that did not have include most of us in as his chosen people, only to have his son killed at there hands. Life is pain and although killing yourself is easier, one does not know where he is going. And although the afterlife is in question, you could find yourself in a place much worst than this. Wouldn't that be funny die thinking you got a way from hell only to wake in it all over again. **Not a native english speaker, sorry...
12 gauge in the roof of your mouth. the end..
Sit in your car and put a hose on your exhaust pipe put the hose in your car window and shut as much as you can. Make sure everything is air tight. You will die of carbon monoxide poisoning, slow but painless.
stop that.
can some one help me am desparate as am about to be made homeless am unemployed for the first time in my life was made redundent . cant get any meny to move or anything would rather be dead then alive. sharon
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