• They are not. Most athletic shoes fall into the cross training category. Basketball shoes have high tops for ankle support. Imagine doing a crossover in a low top pair of tenis shoes. Can you say "broken ankle".
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  • The term came about before the rise of all the different types of shoes we have today. At that point, you had track & field shoes, baseball shoes, all with cleats. Loafers and lace up casual shoes were pretty much the norm. The tennis shoe was really the only one out there made for athletic purposes, that didn't have cleats. This meant for anyone trying to wear a sneaker like shoe, you had to get tennis shoes. Eventually the term came to be used almost as a slang term, standing in for any kind of low top athletic shoe.
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  • When these types of soft shoes first came on the market they were called sneakers. When women played sports, the ladylike game was tennis so the low tops were called tennis shoes. The high tops with a different pattern on the bottom were basketball shoes. Sneakers were what guys called the shoes as tennis shoe was too feminine.
  • because tennis players make the best athletes
  • Are they? They aren't to me. Athletic shoes are just 'Trainers'. And tennis shoes you play tennis in? Probably.

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