• It stands for "Thirty Mile Zone." This is from the website: "'TMZ' stands for "Thirty Mile Zone," a term which originated in the 1960's. Due to the growth of 'on location' shoots, studios established a "thirty mile zone" to monitor the regulations of shooting throughout Hollywood. The zone was originally centered in Los Angeles around the old offices of The Association of Motion Pictures and Television Producers at Beverly and La Cienega Boulevards in California. It was often said that "Everything entertainment happens in the 'Thirty Mile Zone.'"
  • The Majestic Zebra, duh........
  • TMZ' stands for "Thirty Mile Zone," a term which originated in the 1960's. Due to the growth of 'on location' shoots, studios and various talent guilds established a "thirty mile zone", outside of which shooting is considered to be a location shoot, requiring per diems and other travel and living expenses to be paid. The zone remains centered in Los Angeles around the old offices of The Association of Motion Pictures and Television Producers at Beverly and La Cienega Boulevards in California. It was often said that "Everything entertainment happens in the 'Thirty Mile Zone.'" So essentially, the "Thirty Mile Zone" represents the center of Hollywood.[4]
  • Actually I believe that "The Media Zoo" is more appropriate. Probably one of the worst mindless, below 6th grade level, gossip shows the idiot box could spit out. It's amazing how the entire crew pokes fun at stars (rich or not-so rich) and they themselves ALL look a hot mess. I think celebs should reverse the effect and chase them (oh wait... they DO have lives to live)

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