• no thats batteries
  • No, I think they'd probably crack if you did that.
  • Are you referring to hard disks? If so, then yes it can, I've heard first hand of people putting a crashed and unreadable hard drive in a plastic bag, putting it in the freezer for a few hours, taking it out and then being able to read the disk well enough to lifeboat files from it. It may have to do with the minute realignment of the read/write heads due to the temperature change. Then again I've heard of it not working, so don't rely on this method.
  • There seems to be a lot of support out there for freezing you cd's. Some people claim it will prolong the life of them, while others claim it will make them sound better. Here is an article I ran across along with some links. Back in January 1993, I happened to read a copy of Audiophile magazine in which, an article written by Jimmy Hughes extolled the joys of freezing CD's for better sound. In the article, he mentioned that if you place a CD in the freezer for up to 6 hours and then slowly return it to room temperature, the resulting sounds from the CD will be enhanced. The reasoning behind this "is that the technique relaxes the lattice structure of the polycarbonate substrate distorted by heat and pressure during the pressing process." The article intrigued me and I put it aside with a view to attempting the procedure at a later date. In July of 93, whilst sorting a pile of old magazines, I rediscovered the article and decided to have a go at freezing the CD "Dark Side Of The Moon" by Pink Floyd. I followed the procedure as written in the article. The result was astonishing! I placed further CD's in the freezer and again, the sound quality was improved on each one. So taken was I by this discovery, that I penned a letter to the British music magazine "Q" and it was published on their letters page in the September issue (No 84.) Little did I realise then, that I would stir national media coverage in the UK as a result of reading the article and writing the letter. In the following two months, two letters in response to mine appeared on the letters page in "Q" magazine (issue No 85. October 1993 and Issue No 86 November 1993) One reader agreeing with me and praising the benefits of frozen compact discs, the other dismissing the whole idea as nonsense! The magazine "Q" were so inundated with readers CD freezing experiences that they wrote a full page article on the matter, (Issue 86 November 1993.) This in turn was picked up by the national media on September 30th in the Daily Mirror and front page news in the Sunday Times on 10th October 1993 as well as various coverage on BBC Radio One's News programme and Danny Bakers show on BBC Radio 5. I'm a convert and to this day, I've frozen every CD I've ever purchased! I'll leave it for you to decide whether it's nonsense or otherwise. Happy freezing!
  • No, you are thinking of Africans.....
  • Nahh ,it don't work but still it can make them cool if they went hot
  • Makes them really cool. (Unless it is The Revenge of the Nerds) Coolness has no bearing on optics assuming your disk is read by a laser.

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