• If you have Photoshop, you can create a heart shape with the pen tool, or even the polygonal lasso if you have a steady hand. You can download a free trial of Photoshop here: Here is a tutorial that gives you a general idea.
  • Draw the shape of a heart on paper.Write your document. Then using space bar make a copy on your puter.Dont know if that helped ya any.
  • I did that once... spent about an hour and a half with a rectangular document and a space bar. Granted, this was on an old Apple computer - the one with the screen in shades of green. They MUST have invented a heart-shaped text box by now, right?
  • The best way is to use a program with vector capabilities, particularly Illustrator or InDesign. You can create a shape or path in the shape of a heart, and convert it to a text box.

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