I like that... not sure if it's true or not, though.
I agree, if that man is a coward.
Yes, I suppose. It means that granted anonymity, even Oscar Wilde will tell the truth. ;-)
Yes! The answer you receive always depend on the way you ask the question!
I agree, its always easier to be honest when your anonymous.
It might make saying the truth easier to some folks if they could remain anonymous ... I think that's what makes some folks like AB so much.
People are certainly more honest when their identity is concealed as the internet can attest. However people who are disposed to rudeness seem to have that trait exacerbated, which is a shame.
Absolutely not!... 1] Wouldn't That depend upon the integrity of the person - Anyway, what Oscar's actually saying is 'Look for the lies in the man who is Open aka apparently bone fide 2] What IS the Truth? After all, to mix metaphors - isn't one man's truth another man's poison? If we're about to debate Truth, how many lifetimes will we need... 3] Isn't Truth illusory anyway? - True Truths surely stem from knowledge
I wish it were not so but often the case!
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