If you mean American-type football, it was probably stolen from Europe's soccer, which is quite simuler. Only they use a soccer ball and no padding what so ever. But they do carry it, have end zones, and I maybe goal posts. And marked yards on a one-hundred yard field.
1823 - Rugby began organized play at the Rugby Boys School of London. At the same time students at Princeton were playing a similar game called "ballown" 1867 - Princeton and Rutgers both had developed their own rules of the game. 1869 - Nov 6 first game between Rutgers and Princeton. Rutgers won 6 goals to 4. 1873 - Columbia, Rutgers, Princeton, and Yale met in New York City to formulate the first intercollegiate football rules. 1895 - First professional football game 1920 - American Professional Football Association founded 1922 - Renamed National Football League
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